
2003-04-15 - 4:22 p.m.

Well, today was a day of dramatic ups and downs. Honestly I can't remember the last time my emotions have done such a rollercoaster. let's start from the beginning..

Down: My Dad was fucking late because he was too busy writing a letter to his girlfriend; he didn't even get dressed! I was standing there about panicking as I needed to collect sceince homework from someone.

Down: I reached school and Mai stopped me in the hall. "thanks for walking with me to find Greg the other day!" she thanked me. I "your welcomed" her and she then told me that Greg had taken her in his "big car" to Piedmont (Middle?) yesterday. And she said that he'd had a big box of candy inside. Stupid me, stupid me, stupid stupid. I should never have done it but the other day I admitted I was going to prom with him. Ugh! STUPID! I TOLD her not to bring it up to him... i knew he wouldn't want anyone to know about it. After all, he didn't tell Daniel, right? So she asked him, "So! Is all that candy what you're selling for prom?" and he says, "Um... yeah I guess." and so she asked, "So! You're going?" and he said, "Um I dunno yet."

UP: Language Arts STAR test was so fucking easy I finished an entire hour early and managed to finish all my science! Yay!

DOWN: Math test was so fucking hard I finished early but probably did all of them wrong.

UP: Science test was super easy. Also, I got to read up on the newspaper which was nice and then I went and participated in a conversation with Nikki and Tricia and Steve all about sex for the rest of the time.

UP/DOWN: I passed Phuong in the hall and he grabbed my hand and said, "It's ok... I'm sorry you can't go." really nicely. I thought, "Ohhh, wow! How sweet of him!!! It amde me feel really guilty but it also helped me not having to worry about him getting his posse up against me. I was so worried he'd go bitchy on me. He's actually a really nice guy. Ugh.

DOWN: During lunch, I called Kathy and she said her Dad said that it was "Unhealthy" for us to be seeing so much of each other. I went ballistic and panicked, thinking her Dad would become another of her mom. And I wouldn't be able to see her anymore.

UP: I went and leaned against Daniel and said, "Make me feel better." I told him what was wrong while he, being the sweetheart he is, put his arm around me and led me off while Greg wondered what was going on behid us. Oh Krsytie gave me a hug too.

DOWN: I wasted most of my lunch sulking about Kathy.

UP: Dustin gave me this lovely huge lunch of sauteed pasta, beef and onions. God it was good.

DOWN: I forgot my math book and had to run and get it with Mohammed which was not that down actually.

UP: Greg didn't bring his math book and sat next to me to share it.

DOWN: Isabel and that japanese kid sat behind us and jabbered about guys and all kinds of bullcrap. Then completely randomly (neither know about me and Greg) they asked, "You goin to prom, Greg?" and here I am, sitting next to him. And after a second's hesitation he says really quickly/quietly, "I don't know yet." I raised an eyebrow but launched straight into, "Ok.. just copy this section in here." and he was only too happy to oblige. "This one?" "yeah."

UP: He has been being way to sweet lately. Like for example, he said that he's going to be taking Marine Biology at Evergreen, and I talked about how I wanted to take a science class somewhere within the district. He asked me to take it with him. When I said that it was far, he said, "yeah, so take it with me. Carpool!" then I said, "Uhhh...." and we laughed, he acknowleged, "Yeah.. wait... you're not exactly on the way." He also asked me what they should do for the last Csz show. I mentioned that I'd forgotten my key and he asked me to go to SAT classes with him. I said, "Nah" and that I could probably get my neighbor to let me in (actually I did have my key, as I found out while I was looking for my cell) Then as he begged me to help him write his notes, and I protested vehemently, he said, "Please??" I said, "No! Come on, the sooner you start the sooner you'll finish." and he said, "Oh, but I love to watch you write." It sounds stupid in writing but the look he gave me and the tone he said it in gave me chills.

UP: Mr. Frost gave us a talk about being more responsible in PE and told me and Lisa that he wouldn't dock any points from us for the incident Friday and that all of us would get As and Bs.

DOWN: In PE when I told Lisa about PHuong she said, "Awww, he's nice! And you're going with Greg who's an asshole. God. I was thinking, "Christ.. just make me feel great." I never talked smack about idiot Derek when she was with him. She doesn't even know Greg. Sorry Lisa but geez.

UP: I called Kathy and she's picking me up from school tomorrow and taking me to Valley Fair! It will be fun and we actually have a ride. Which is actually a lot better than the arrangement we had today anyway. And why do we need to see each other every damn day right? Give her a break. So that's good, and her dad really isn't being a freak.

DOWN: I totally panicked when I got to my apartment and couldn't get in and went pee in the office and thought I left my cell phon in the bus.

UP:I found the cell phone, keys. I walked into the wrong apartment again and had to run out like a madman.

He kicked Gary out of my seat today so I could sit in it, yesterday he tried to keep me from walking away at lunch. Today, I was wearing one orangey striped sock and one rainbow one and that stupid acne-ridden dinosaur guy said, "Geez your socks scare me." I said, "Thanks!" He said, "Make up your mind already. Just choose one or the other." I just gave him this disgusted look and watched him walk away, but Greg wouldn't put up with it: he yelled behind him, "Yeah, well choose one of your pimples and pop it already, and then keep going!" I laughed. Then I grabbed Daniel and tried to make him walk faster away and Greg got all upset, which I thought was sad/funny cuz I didn't mean to. Neil said I was bisoxual, because of the rainbow sock. He said I had one gay leg. I laughed that was funny and not stupid.

Greg pinned me to the lockers again today too and wouldn't throw the juice box he usually uses to throw at Spider. Him and Daniel ganged up against me to make me do it. Daniel went to stand in front of me to cover, and him too so I finally gave it and tossed it. It missed him by a mile and hit some other poor soul in the crowded hall in the head instead. I felt really bad.

Also he invited me to James Lick CsZ.

wow..... that's a lot of Greg for one entry. But I had a triple dose today.

GOD I should be losing weight for prom but ever since that damn Korean dinner I've been so hungry! I have to quit so my stomach will shrink back and be normal and crave food but once a day.

yesterday - tomorrow