
Dead Batteries.
2004-04-18 - 4:06 p.m.

If you subtract all the super shitty parts from yesterday, then it was a great day.

Yesterday in the morning my dad bought tickets to see Thoroughly Modern Millie! Whoopee! I can't wait. Except he bought tickets for a ThURSDAY. What an idiot. i'm like, who goes to see plays on Thursdays? Especially when the Sunday price is the same. I have homework to do Thursday. I'll probably have an essay or something. And he's just all, "whatev.I asked you." But at least I'm going to finally see a Broadway show.

Then Kathy calls up LATE like 10 imnutes before I have to leave for CSZ and is like "hiii...I need you to bring me stuff..." and I was like "crapppp why call now? If you'd have called earlier then we coulda hung out and I coulda brought it but crap I gotta go!" So I just had my dad drop it off for me...I didn't want to call her earlier cuz I was scared shitless of having to talk to he dad and I didn't want to wake her up. I felt superbad about not seeing her off, later, but I had so much fun that night. Only two months this time...and then a long, fun, summer.

WEll, but Comedy Sportz was awesome. But then my phone, my camera and my camcorder all quit on me battery-wise, which pissed me off to No End. What the hell? Why can't batteries last longer? They can send men and monkey and probes to Mars nad things to break the speeds of light but they can't afford long lasting batteries for electronic devices? Geezus christ! Baterries need to last longer!

Anyway, out of 13 HS league teams PHHS came in FIRST, awesome awesome awesome awesome. We got a golden cup. A golden spray painted weiner cup (i dunno the appropriate name) with a golden ribbon. It was awesome. heh. So then they got to play the pro leagues at 7. All in all I watched 4 CSZ games and by the end I was sort of pooped with csz. But I'll be all happy slappy back in time to enjoy the April 30th show f'shizzle.I was really proud of them. They're so great. And Greg was very sweet.

In between winning and playing the evening show, we wandered around downtown. We went to McDonald's first, which I hate. I laughed spitefully afterward as while others' stomachs were pained by evil McDonald's food, I had merely eaten small fries so I was saved from the poisoned meat. This one girl from Castro Valley was annoying the living fuck outta me. Greg apparently likes her livejournal but she seems sort of pretentious and when she was sitting behind us she was so fake. She was all "Wowww! you guys are soooo good!" In real, genuine, I shit you not no holds barred valley girl talk. Which was funny coming from this girl who is supposedly taking wonderful college business preparatory classes and has her list of UCs all planned out. As she so poignantly and cheerfully pointed out. God, who really makes cheerful Comedy Sportz conversation over crap like that? I don't care if Greg likes her or not I thought she was just plain annoying. Her name was Sabina. But I like to call her Melorra. :) she's more Melorra than Patricia.

Thankfully I didn't see her hardly at all for the rest of the day. We went to the new MLK library after that, which I absolutely loved. Not only does it have millions and gazillions of books and theses and about anything else you would ever need for any sourt of research over anything, but it's beautiful. I regretted not having batteries for my camera. The top floor was gorgeous. Me and Greg walked through it together, and he was so lovely. How can it be so wonderful to spend time with your boyfriend all the freaking time? How can it be so fun in any event? We rode the awesome glass elevators and made fun of the dots on the glass. I said, "There are many many many dots!" He said, "There are so many dots. Why are there so many freaking dots?" and I laughed so hard. I don't know why but it was hilarious. Then we sat on a large couch and looked upon the entire city with the sun shining in warmly on us. His arm was around me and we didn't say much. There was a beautiful blue sky and beautiful purple and white clouds. If only I could have taken a picture and tried to capture the moment forever. And he pulled me closer and even though every floor below was chilly and outside it was just plain cold it was perfectly warm right then and it was what I imagined heaven would be like. And then the homeless guy sleeping on the couch in front of us woke up and a couple minutes later we left.

I love it when I make him laugh.

Then we went to Pizza My Heart and I ate some pizza, which was delicious because it had a lot of mushrooma and pepperonni. i ate with Daniel and Greg. I eavesdropped on the plans for next year's captain. I also poked the Sriracha hot sauce and Daniel told me to try it so I did. And i didn't drink any water afterwards, even though Daniel said he wouldn't think any less of me if I did. That comment made me smile. I like Daniel.

Hes too good for Mai.

Afterwards we went to mcDonalds and watched Daniel eat ice cream. I was tortured. Greg had asked me several times if I wanted ice cream and I said, "'s okay...I know it's expensive..." but secretly I had wanted him to insist and buy me a tasty cone of Phish Food. So I admitted it finally. I said, "you had a lot of chances." He said, "For what?" and I said, "To get me ice cream. Like when you were hanging around outside...and when you went to the bathroom..." and he said, "But i asked you if you wanted it repeatedly!" and I said, "I only wanted it if it was spontaneous ice cream!" And evreyone laughed and Brandon Arnold said, "Girls Suck." Then I waited in line to get a fruit and yogurt parfait and realized...Fuck This!!!! And I went up to Greg and said, "Buy me ice cream!" and he said, "where?" and I said, "Ben and Jerry's!" and he said, "That's expensive!!!! man!" and I said, "Never miund.. I don't want any..." and he grabbed me tight and said, "I AM BUYING YOU ICE CREAM!!! I WANT TO BUY YOU ICE CREAM!!!!I really, really want to buy you ice cream because I like you." and he wouldn't take no for an answer and I paid 60 cents and he paid 2 dollars and I got a cone of Phish Food.

Then they played and won by default. Some lady bought us popcorn.

Then we all went to our cars. Greg agreed that me and him would meet at his house later and he rushed off because his ride was Daniel. I rushed off to my car...but realized that i couldn't exactly...find my car. I looked for it for about 10 minutes, on the verge of freaking out, and then finally found it. Enveloped with relief, I unlocked it and sat down happily in its warmth, then stuck the key in and turned and...

I had left the lights on in my hustle for my umbrella in the downpour earlier.

The battery was dead.

Shit! Shit! Shit! After roaring in agony I hustled back out into the cold and tried to find jumper cables...nobody had any. People had cell phones, but I couldn't call my father...of all days, he was AWOL. No cell and not home. So I rushed around...everywhere were shady gangs and lewd guys whistling at me from their cars and tons of trendy or slutty people waltzing in and out of the clubs and huge bouncers and chic old people watching independent movies at camera three...and none of them had any time to help me, a 16 year old girl in a short skirt on a cold night sobbing on a streetcorner with a dead cell phone, dead camera and dead car.

I was scared.

Finally I saw a police car going down the street so I ran in front of it. The guy followed me to my car, offered to call a tow and we found some people and tried to jump my car. Unfortunately, my car started smoking instead of starting. The police officer asked if I could call somebody else and I called Greg. Then the officer took me to Greg's in his squad car. That's when things started looking up. The ride in the squad car was coooool. The seat was really uncomfortable, and there were bars on the windows. I couldn't figure out how to work the weird seatbelts so I had to hold on tight when the officer made some crazy turns. I got to read his Police AIM on his laptop. and best of all, lots of people gave me horrible, dissapointed looks. it was hilarious being arrested. I smiled and waved at them.

I also managed to get the officer lost. Not only me but the officer! Hahaha! Yeah... it was great.

but though it was fun, I was still shaking like a leaf for about 10 minutes after I got to Greg's. We arrived the same time as the minivan and I guess we made kind of a grand entrance, arriving in a squad car and all. The officer came and opened my door for me, too, which was even better. I thanked him profusely and quickly then immediately ran out to Greg's open arms and squeezed him like the world was going to end.

Greg held me while I told him about what happened in bed, and he squeezed me tight and asked me if I was okay a lot. He made me feel really loved, which was something I really needed right then. I had been so frightened...I don't know if it's stupid because nothing happened to me really but it was just scary.

I slept in his arms and he woke me early the next morning to move to the middle room so I didn't look suspicious to his parents when they woke up. When I woke to the sound of his parents commenting on me above me, (though I was smart enough to feign sleep through this)and when they had gone downstairs and started to clank plates, I went back to his room and back to his arms. And back to my cubby.warrrm.

Then my dad picked me up at 9.

Today I got vagina medicine from Long's, fixed up my car and visited Greg. I love him. I don't ever doubt that this is love anymore now because something so wonderful couldn't be anything else.

yesterday - tomorrow