
The Commotion DEBUT!
2003-02-13 - 4:35 p.m.

Oooooooooooomigod HOrray!!!!!!!!!!! The commotion debuted today! You will not believe the reaction. Even I did not anticipate this, and I was anticipating a lot, and shit, for once it turned out BIGGER and BETTER than I thought it would! I alwyas think big, so it never turns out.. but it did! Oh god! It did!

You won't ebelive..... EVERYBODY wanted a copy. I'm not kidding. EVERYBODY. Like evreybody in the school wanted to see, wanted to read, wanted to get their hands on The Commotion. One of the reasons is the really hot chick I put on the back, but mostly everybody loved it. I'd go up to several people and say, "hey, this is my zine, you want a copy?" and they'd go "Hell yes! I've been seeing this around school everywhere!" or "Hey, I saw people holding that all over!" or even "Whoa, that's the thing those guys were looking at in my class last period."

Everybody was so psyched. The whole group down there the hackey sack one, Bubba's group? They all begged and pleaded me for one, they all went nuts over it! Brandon Arnold who I thought hated me gave me a big hug and said "You're my favorite, Stephanie!" Whoa! Look what this fucking thing can do!

One girl wants to be a reporter for the zine, so I told her to send some of her stuff to the original site and I'd decide if it was good enough for us. Another, Steven Del POrto, wants to advertize!!!! How much should we charge?!!!! He wants to advertize his band in the next issue!

Here are some comments:

Justin Parucha: "Oh my god! It was so great! I'm going to be your number 1 fan!"

Kevin Smith: "This picture is going up in my locker!*wink, thumbs up*"

All of Kevin Smith's friends: "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!"

Emi Chau: "manymanymanygoodthings....I can't even put them all in this eamil... she kept saying all period how cool it was..."

every single person in Bub's grouP: "please! Can I have one? Let me have one!"

Brandon Arnold even went so far as to get messengers in my classes to ask me to give him one.

Many people said, "Oh wow, you did this by yourself? For no reason? Really? All my yourself? Your friend too? Wow, that's really cool." Like a lot of people would have this "I really respect that" sort of vibe.

Kelly: "OHHHH MI GOD! You have a zine! this is so cool!"

...I definitely did not have enough copies....

Poeple even asked me for second copies because their first coppies got stolen from their friends/others!

Jessica: "Man, are you popular today." Really! Everybody was looking for me, The Commotion girl..... Oh jesus kathy we are such a success!!!

I'm thinkoing of printing some more and giving them to people who didn't get them yesterday.

...uhhh.... I hope it's OK i'm taking 5 dollars out of your 30 to help cover the cost of the paper I had to buy for printing... it was 10.00 and I figured we'd split it. Is that OK?

You have to help me cme up with ideas for the next one!!! I've already got one: I'm going to interview the porn shop owners on Haight and Ashbury, have CD reviews, have "i hate fake punk girls" article.

Omigod, remember that retard Anthony who spasmed and stuff? HE GOT A GIRLFRIEND.

Ben and Reinier: "We'll treasure it forever."

Kevin" Oh holy shit, Oh my god I can't believe you did this to me!"

Christian Anzelde: "Ohhh maaaaaan."

Joel: "I thought it was very interesting, except I wish I'd answered the questions better."

"I can't wait for the next issue!"-alot of people

i forgot who: "This is so much better, 100 times better than the newspaper. (ben i think this was) It's so great that you're making it. You can interview us anytime for material if you need it."

lots of people: "It was really, really cool."

Holy mother of god, It's so great. Greg totally got me depressed about it though. I was really mad at him today. Whenever I talked about it, he'd just put it down, and he acted totally uninterested about it the whole time. It was disgusting. And so I blew his right back off. So he was mad at me today, I think. I wouldn't let him burst my bubble, though. I was happy and damn if he would stop me. Dnaiel made me upset for about 5 mintues when he said, "Your thing was really offensive." and I went, "WHAT?" Daniel replied, "A lot of people said, 'Why did she write that? That's offensive.'" And I was upset for a minute but then I realized, "hey. THat's what I WANTED to do. I wnat to have stuff that will shock you, amuse you, and for some people, offend you. That's what makes a good zine." And I was happy again. I even have a comic in the back making fun of easily offended people, so it's even more stupid to be offended by it.

I am so happy. This is going to be great. We have to start on the next one ASAP.

yesterday - tomorrow