
I hate my boyfriend
2003-09-23 - 9:36 p.m.

D Mr Grande: Foo Manchu Too: I have been unleashing my, as you guys so lovingly and loyally (note sarcasm) like to call it, "craziness" today

Foo Manchu Too: However when Oanh does it, it's OK

Foo Manchu Too: It's called attitude

Foo Manchu Too: Some people have it

Foo Manchu Too: "Stephanie's a bitch" "Oh yeah I guess so. She's crazy"

D Mr Grande: well, wut did u do?

Foo Manchu Too: "Oanh's a bitch" "Well, you could look at it as her being mean or you could see it as admirable"

Foo Manchu Too: I swear! What is wrong with that guy

Foo Manchu Too: Even the most loyal of his followers would have dumped him if he'd pulled half the shit on them that he did on me

Foo Manchu Too: Anyway I lost today

D Mr Grande: haha

Foo Manchu Too: And I was really angry cz coach was giving us shit for losing; as if it wasn't bad enough!

D Mr Grande: i can see you right now, being mad and then in the near future loving greg again

Foo Manchu Too: But all the girls on the team were being mighty bitches to my friends

D Mr Grande: how bad?

Foo Manchu Too: I blocked him and I never do that

Foo Manchu Too: Yeah and then this one girl started to give attitude to my coach! She called him rude and said he was stupid and all

Foo Manchu Too: This girl from another team! And I was like "aw hell naw you did not just say that bitch"

Foo Manchu Too: you best shut yo mouf'

Foo Manchu Too: And I told her off and the team backed me up

Foo Manchu Too: Those hoes

D Mr Grande: how bad did you lose?

Foo Manchu Too: We beat them

Foo Manchu Too: I lost bad but our team won

D Mr Grande: oh ok good

D Mr Grande: what school was it?

Foo Manchu Too: Leigh

Foo Manchu Too: Rich Los Gatos good kids

D Mr Grande: ooh, white girls

Foo Manchu Too: yeah

Foo Manchu Too: fucking cocks

Foo Manchu Too: "cock-asian"

D Mr Grande: cauc

Foo Manchu Too: whatever

Foo Manchu Too: So then I find out I'm moving in 2 WEEKs Ohhhhhh fabulous fabulous

Foo Manchu Too: And I come home to Greg's retard away message

Foo Manchu Too: Check what it is and tell me

D Mr Grande: there is no away message

D Mr Grande: what was it

Foo Manchu Too: Cancer kids are selfish according to Huyzard and I. Busy right now, getting ready for my date at 9:30.

Foo Manchu Too: Foo Manchu Too: What date

XxJustPlayxX: Im helping someone w essay @ 9:30

Foo Manchu Too: uh-huh

Foo Manchu Too: who

XxJustPlayxX: Oanh

Foo Manchu Too: uh-huh

Foo Manchu Too: Bye

D Mr Grande: i personally cant stomach oanhs shit

Foo Manchu Too: So I chewed him out

Foo Manchu Too: I dunno if I told you but she was giving me shit at the creek cleanup and I was like "christ.... I will be nice to you or else I'll look like a jealous ho.... but I hate you"

Foo Manchu Too: Now don't be spreading this nowhere

Foo Manchu Too: I think you are trsutworthy

Foo Manchu Too: So since I am "crazy" instead of "admirable" for some fucking retard reason

D Mr Grande: who would i tell

D Mr Grande: you wanna know what will make you feel better?

Foo Manchu Too: You could tell Greg. I said 'You do not have "dates" with Oanh Nguyen, do you underdstand me? You do not have "dates" with girls who ask for help on easy eassays or help on saxophoneIn fact you do not have "dates" with any female. Get it straight. And when I ask you what you're doing you don't make me dig out of you who it is."

yesterday - tomorrow