
I'm not crazy already!
2003-11-07 - 5:05 p.m.

Hmmm... haven't heard from yoiu in a little bit. It's because you've been wokring so very hard in school at your all A plusses right? hah right... my grades are going up and down like crazy. Mostly down. But I got a lot of extra credit in physio!

I read the exerpt from or whatever and it was neat from your diary.

I decided not to go to wonderful New York after all... it's too expensive... sigh. Yeah, so I'm staying here. (california.)

Also in your diary somebody said that I would kill them if they didn't get a license. I'm not sure if it was you saying I would kill you or Gary saying that I would kill him. He knows who I am I guess. All of the bands that you have on your thing I don't know who they are. I think you've become infintely more trendy than me. I'm just another suburban Nacy Thai kidd now.

Btw my driving test is on the 25th, so unless I fail horribly (which I very well might,) I'll be getting my license soon.

You have a friend named Alethia that is so cool. I'd want to name my kid Alethia. And Hiromi reminds me of HItomi and Timomi. Remember them?? In Mr. Re's class. I think Hitomi's picture won for the front of the Re's Rascals shirt. I remember we made a cool picture too but we lost it.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Kathy I am and always will be crazy Stephanie. Why must I be called crazy? Other girls in school have way bigger attitudes than me. I'm generally very nice unless someone sins mortally upon me, (or starts showving their big attitude problem in my face) which I just won't allow. What am I supposed t do, just sit there and take it? And it's not like I go beat them up... I just say my opinion. It's been ages since I've done even that anyway... ridiculous. I'm sick and tired of being crazy Stephanie. Everyone in my journalism class talks tons of shit about me (the seniors anyway, not my junior buds) including Greg and quite honestly I'm sick of it. Greg says that he defends me much more than he insults me, but that just brings up the notiont that hey... a lot of people are talking a lot of shit that he has to clear up a lot. Um.... what the fuck.

Can't everybody just shut up about me already?? I'm sick and tired of this bullshit. Don't they have better things to talk about than how horrible I am? Can't they make fun of somebody else? There are 3000 kids in my school available to make fun of. Chose someone else for god's sakes. I don't know what I could possibly ever do to become uncrazy.

Anyway I come to the conclusion that I am a failure and will be in life forever.

Come save me from all the shit talking idiots that don't know me! We'll be 16 in a matter of weeks, and we'll have to be sixteen separately! My birthday is on Sunday, and yours is on Saturday. So we're in the same week! I don't know what to get you at all gee. Anthropologie stuff is cute. I'll have to go to San Francisco... I bet I could find something quirky for you there.

I keep forgetting when my period is so I don't know when it's going to come, which is a very stupid thing indeed.

Jamba juice has small sizes now! I adore their new blueberry drink.

yesterday - tomorrow