
Mind your own business
2003-11-09 - 10:40 a.m.

Oh something horrible has happened!!! Amy Goodman, somehow, mysteriously both got my diaryland AND my blurty!!!! OH it's horrible. Amy GOodman is such a bitch! I think she searched for all the thins I like until she found me. And then, she gave all of my things to Joel and all of her friends!!!!!!Then Joel gave them to GREG! And then Greg respected my privacy and didn't look, but he told me... It's so tragic! It's terrible! I feel so violated to know people are reading all this extremely private stuff about me. So I don't know how to luck up blurty, so I just made a hateful message on it, and I locked my diaryland diary. So to get in, now use: Your username is len0re, and your password is eloise.

Hurrah. Now you will truly be the only person reading my crap.

Also everyone on the tennis team is mad because Cindy got MVP and Theresa got Coach's award and Theresa did NOT deserve that award An deserved MVP and I deserved the Coach's award and it's just so fucked up. EVERYONE knows that Theresa didn't deserve that award. When Coach said her name, nobody even clapped. We just looked at each other. ARGh

Greg is in LA watching The Producers.

For my birthday I am having a party on the 22nd. I don't know what to do during the party but hopefully it will be fun? I'm thinking something like Emilie's? Why don't you call that night! Yes, and all of us can talk to you and say hi! You will be the mos popular person there. And if your mom wants to know who the hell you are talking to, you can be like "Oh I'm talking to Krystie" and it will be true cuz I can just put Krystie on.

Anthropologie has some really nice stuff though. I just went yesterday. I almost bought the cheapest thing in the store (a pair of nice undies for 6.00 on sale) but then I didn't and now I regret it.

I dont' know how anybody could know what I want for my birthday when even i don't know what I want for my birthday. geez louise.

I want a piano!

Aaaaah what will I get you and how will I send it to you? Do you think if I sent you a box of goodies your mom would confiscate it or what?

I also DLed Photoshop 7.0 without Greg's stupid help! and I got fuzzy bedroom slippers: Muahahahaha! My feet will never be cold again!

yesterday - tomorrow