
2005-03-24 - 7:16 p.m.

my aunt's a fucking nutcase.
Dear TKM,

Your letter was very hurtful and narrow-minded. I am trying to write this email as tactfully as I can because before emailing others rashly I will sit and think before making accusations--something I highly suggest-- but it's difficult because I am quite upset. This email may be quite harsh but I am not writing it to spite you or be rude to you; I am simply defending myself from some very inappropriate comments. Obviously you have never sat in my shoes and obviously you have no idea about the depth of mine and my father's relationship. You really don't know about most of what has gone on. You have not heard all of our exchanges, our arguments and our situation. I DO NOT appreciate how you like to put the blame on me because I am the child in the situation. Because I am the child does not mean that everything, if anything, is my fault and the divide between my father and I is a immature concoction I developed in my mind one night. I would also like to remind you that the living conditions I am currently in (i.e. living alone in my house as a minor) are ILLEGAL in the state of California and my father could be arrested for neglect. I DO NOT appreciate how you make me out to be a stupid child who does not have good reason to be upset with my father because all you can think is "she does not like her father's girlfriend" and you cannot comprehend that there are any other reasons which extend far beyond that fact alone.

Please do not insinuate further that I am so stupid. There are people in the world who live without parents. We do not all fall down a hole and die when our parents abandon us. I do not NEED his money, but I want it because it is rightfully mine. As for paying for my college education, when you have a child you are entitled to take care of it. No matter whether it goes to prison or goes to Harvard, it is a parent's responsibility as a parent to educate, feed, clothe and shelter the child. I have barely asked for anything my entire life. I spend barely anything. I do not live at your level of comfort. Nobody washes my clothes, makes me dinner, or cleans my house. I do that on my own, drive to and from school, work for my money and I am seventeen. He does not have to do a damn thing, just provide money for a college education. It isn't a gift, the college money. It is an obligation. I was promised that money from the second I was conceived.

Also, you were quick to accept that I dismissed my mother from my life. You were quick to judge and quick to say that it was okay for me not to speak to her again because of her abuse and the fact that she left me. Step back a minute and take a look. Just because he's your brother doesn't mean he isn't exempt.

No, I am sorry to say that I will not be traveling ANYWHERE with my father, let alone ALONE with my father. I would rather step off a cliff.

If you are to email me further I would appreciate it if you addressed me and considered me as Stephanie the human being, not as "my brother's daughter," and I would appreciate it if you gave me the benefit of the doubt on the quality of my intelligence.


P.S.- I highly encourage that you not forward this email to anyone else. I would also appreciate it if you would not spread this to other members of the family prematurely when they know even less of the gravity of the situation than you. The last thing I need is gossip and rumors or another snide comment from Rachel, of all people, about my lack of respect.

yesterday - tomorrow