
giving is good
2002-10-10 - 1:12 a.m.

Oh my goodness. I saw a book today called "Daddy's roommate."

"Mommy and Daddy got divorced last year. Now Daddy lives with a man named Pete. Pete is his roommate. They eat together. They sleep together. They shave together. They play together. They sometimes fight togehter. Pete plays with me. Pete does this with me. Pete does that with me..." and really, I was going, "Okay, I got the point 10 pages ago!" Seriously, is that the way to break it to your kid?

I got a present for Greg's birthday which is tomorrow (or actually today, because it is late and I cannot sleep) and I really don't know whether he'll like it or not. I know he really likes the Beatles, but what if John Lennon happens to be the one Beatle he doesn't like, or he already has this book, or... anyway, I got a present for him.. "The Lost Interviews with John Lennon." 12.95 and all fabulous like that. I shall give it to him along with a bunch of neat toys. I hope he will like it.I will tell him not to open it in my presence. I don't want to see the look of utter dissapointment and resentment on his face when he opens the book. I wrapped it kind of decently in photocopied Squee pages. On the front in stickers it says "please celebrate attractive hunk!"

His mother got him The Beatles Anthology and he spent 6 hours reading it last night, yet has not finished half of it yet.

I think Justin might possibly be with Monica Sanchez. Dear god I hope not. But I saw him grabbing her hand today. Oh dear holy lord of mother.

I think Brandon Arnold is truly truly sexy. A lot of girls like Greg and bRandon Arnold,I found out today. Why does Greg always call me by my full name, oh, why? Lisa, who is much more of the social elite than I am, knows all this because unlike me, she cares about this sort of stuff and actually *gasp* converses with these types of girls. Uh, yeah. Katie Drew likes Brandon Arnold I think, and Christina likes Brandon or maybe it was Katie who liked Greg, and Lisa liked Brandon last year which is why he is scared of her. But oh-ho-ho, none of them had Brandon arnold voluntarily hug them without asking, did they? And all kinds of special things like that. I feel like fab.

Oh, dear god, Mai found out that I liked Greg. Why oh why oh why did I hesitate so long before thinking of what to say to her? This is very bad indeed. Mai is popular and popular people always have very, very big mouths.

An said to me, "Make a Beatles scrapbook for him for I heard you're a very creative person and you make the best scrapbooks" That's a load of bullshit, I'll bet. The only person who's ever seen my scrapbook is Kathy and she wouldn't say that to someone as insignificant as An. I guess it was a nice comment anyway, but it still does not make up for her ruining my life in the 8th grade.

fokkin' eyl. I need to get to fokkin' sleep. Fock.

John Lennon seemed quite like a prick but then again the media was very nasty to him so he seemed quite justified.

I remember last year I gave balloons to Kathy on her birthday and she cried.

Not that Trung isn't a great friend or anything but he DOES complain a lot about his life. It kind of reminds me of Steve Young. I can understand how it's amazingly miserable and stuff, but no-one really wants to hear about that shit, you know? I suppose I complain a lot to Kathy, but it's different--we're best friends. And that's not ALL i angst about. I say good things too. I mean.... right?

Doesn't he get the point when my responses turn into just one word? "Oh." "oh." "oh...."


Today was Mikey's birthday. Whoopee? Well, I don't know if he liked the Squee book, because he didn't say anything. But maybe it was because he was kind of depressed. After all, the only people who remembered his birthday and brought him presents were hyperactive valleygirls. But what did he expect, right? It wasn't like as if he's been spending... you know, like... ANY time with the group. And with the group almost broken up, I'd doubt they'd have one coherent thought every week. Pretty depressing though. He got pink and purple balloons, one with a Barbie. I think Mindy was trying to be funny or something. They god him two cakes, a decent thing, and then they planned this stupid thing so stupidly where they'd spray him with silly string. And they just kept spraying and spraying, long after it was funny anymore. You could tell he didn't exactly think it was great. But they sprayed and laughed like crazy. I don't know. "they" being Mindy, Maggie, Eleanor, and other Chrstina Barrington-group-type people. You know. Valley nerds. And they kept walking around, showing him off, and Mindy got him MULTICOLORED HAIRTIES??????? Yeah, exactly. I felt like the only normal person there besides him. Oh, god. I miss the way things used to be.

They used my fucking ID card to cut the fucking cake and they got frosting all over my lanyard even though I TOLD them to take the ID card before cutting.


yesterday - tomorrow