
Rachel, you're goin down this time.
2003-01-16 - 3:42 p.m.

By the way, insulting my school name and where it is is really sad and

pathethic. And it doesn't change the fact that my art is better than yours.

Yes, ths is your 'evil' cousin and no, Koo Ma didn't tell me I happened 2 be

in the room when she opened your letter.

Let's get some things straight, shall we?

1. I didn't join LICT to get back at you, bcause your art was 'nicer' a few

years back.. I did it 4 myself, because I wanna be an

artist/designer/whatever. Do you think I actually care that much about what

u think 2 make such a decision about my life? Ha! 2 be serious, what u would

think never even crossed my mind.

2. I was never jealous of your art, okay? In fact this whole holidays I

spent with you I tried to avoid drawing completely. I hate this competing

feeling we get every time one of us draws. I'll admit, I got mad at the way

you always drew in front of everybody. It was so showoffy. Ken told me about

your 'website' at Deviantart. That's where I saw your latest art cause you

wouldn't show me.

3. I'll just bet u're gonna show this letter 2 your dad. Ah well. I'm just

glad we didn't openly quarrel this trip. Remember, you might hate me, and I

might hate you..(but to tell the truth, I don't really care enough to hate

you, lazy me)BUT I'll always be your cousin. Stupid, isn't it?


See that's really too bad seeing as "Ooo, wouldja lookit that, we're cousins" is such a revelation for you, and you'd go out and blow up over an email not even meant for you. It's not like a outright insulted you or anything. Just stating what happened.

Frankly I don't give a shit about your art. Why are you so extremely insecure over your art? If anybody says anything about yours, you get all worked up. Puhleeeeez. Just get over it, okay?

And what is it with you and emails? You just get so darn nasty over them, tsk tsk tsk. You really must learn to control that temper of yours.

Anyway thanks for making my trip decent besides the whole 4 days which you gave me the silent treatment. I mean, it doesn't mean a whole lot now that you've resorted to going back and insulting me over the net and stuff after that long hiatus, but... you know. It was fun while it lasted.

Your favorite cousin



To Koo Ma:

Gee whiz has that kid got a temper! She's so sensitive, now really. Did she actually think that we were best friends and not talking behind each other's backs anymore? I just hope I didn't make her cry, the poor dear. I would really have to apologize if that happened.

As a PPS to her:

And what's this about you being better than you? Hate to break it to you, kid, but I still draw better than you do. it really must have broken you. Poor dear.

Maybe I was being showoffy, or maybe you're just being a jealous brat.

yesterday - tomorrow