
Ankh bashing
2003-03-27 - 3:56 p.m.

Revenge is sweet. The other day, I got back at Mohammed. MOnday I did. I walked into class early and asked Taoromino to watch for MOhammed and tell me when he was coming. THen I hid next to the door with my two cans of joy: orange hair spray (sophomore pride, baby) and red silly string.That wacky iraqi. So Taoromino, of course, told the whole class and before I knew it the entire class was standing at the window, and Mohammed always comes in 5 minutes late so everyone was there. When he came, they all started crying, "He's coming! he's coming!" it worked perfectly. The second he opened the door I flew out and sprayed him like there was no tomorrow. He cried out and had an orange streak across his face and hair and silly string all over. The class was going crazy with lauhgter. Even Ms. Nava wouldn't let him go wash it off. It was beautiful.

Today, in history, we were talking about mutual assured destruction. I sat there, in a cloud of doom and anger which must have been all too apparent, as the class discussed it. Davis even said it made sense. Stupid Erica Valladao, who today had to ask "What does enthusiastic mean?" said that it was a sensible plan and it worked, so it must be good. All the fucking white hicks in our class are all like that. "'splosions are cool!" AHg.

I was practically twitching in my seat, forcibly trying to hold my hand down, and I was so releived when Mr. Holly called on me I just about exploded. I went into a grand speech about the stupidity of atomic weapons and the whole mutual assured destruction thing. "It may seem sensible on the surface, but when you look underneath, it's just stupid. Peace by threats and fear isn't peace at all. Instilling fear into people doesn't solve anything. We need to resolve conflicts, instead of just dallying around the subject and putting everyone in danger. This whole thing is basically a lame excuse for a violence-hungry government to make more weapons. It's ridiculous." Or something to that extent. I can't really remember. And there was a buzzing, a couple people applauded, Wesley Chan said something obscene and the hicks had to take a bit to chew on what I'd fed them. When Mr. holly settled everyone down and went on to ask Davis, he said, "Oh..just what Stephanie said."

UNH! Now I know what to debate for Kennett. Anti-war. I'm sure there's someone in our class who would be pro-war.

Also today I was sitting in math and Greg sat next to me... well, I don't know, because we had to omve our seats around and he moved his next to mine. It felt good. It's been a long time since I've gotten to sit next to him. Anyway, he asked me "Why do you have Jesus on your ears?" I just put in my ankh earrings the other night. I said, "It's not Jesus.. they're ankhs." "What??" "Ankhs.. they're... egyptian things... the egyptian symbol for death..." "The egyptians are gay!" "yeah, they are... I don't know, these were the only things I could find. It was either this or butterflies, so.." "yea, but they're gay!" "Yeah, but I needed something. Didn't want my earholes to close up." "The egyptians enslaved the jews for thousands of years and made them work." "Uh..." "You should be wearing star of david earrings." "So buy some for me then. Ok, there." "I don't wanna. I'll make some for you, though...I just don't know how to make the earring part." "Hm, ok."

Crazy ass.

We were arranging the weights on dumbbell holder today when Nersi came up and put his two 15-pounders away. He said something like, "Here's two more for you" or something, and I had to look down and inched to the right a bit. I looked real stupid but... Eeeeh.

I'm getting to see a lot more of Nersi lately.

Today was ridiculous. The representatives for the Distinguished Schools Committee visited, so the campus had to be put in tip-top shape. THey slathered the walls in student's work and billoards and anti-hate signs. They even had a deejay play at lunch, but only for a little bit, and when the reps left, he stopped. How stupid!!! The reps were HUGE. ONe of them had to be 7 feet and half as wide, and the other one was just plain fat. I walked behind them all the way through the hall. Dana said, "You following them?" and I said, "Well, can't go around!" She cracked up and I thought it was a pretty damn funny thing to say too.

I jiggied though. The dJ was good. I felt really stupid because I was the only one jiggying and I wished Kathy was there to jiggy with me. I also feel kind of stupid because I'm starting to think hip-hop is okay. Well, music journalists should be familiar with all kinds of music! They ought to be involved with all genres. So it's justified.

I am good at cheating on chem tests.


yesterday - tomorrow