
The play is coming!
2003-03-31 - 8:22 p.m.

Oh, today for the first time I saw Greg in play practice. OH MAN! Hot! Well, not really, he was in the same get-up as earlier today, but he was singing and stuff I guess. With Nersi. So I just looked at them and it made me really happy.

The play looks absolutely fabulous. The set decorations kick Indy's to high hell. No seriously....the set decorations are crazy!! I don't know who they got to pain them, but they're amazing!!! Scary amazing, they're so good. I dont know how the hell they did that.

OHHHHH my god, I absolutely cannot wait until Friday. it's going to be so great!!! I can't wait can't wait can't wait. And I'm going to buy a video of the performance. naturally. And watch it with Kathy. Naturally. Oh it will be so great

I have already started gathering things to share with Kathy when she gets back, like that picture of Patricia wrapped in foil today... AHAHAHAHA it was too great!!!

Ew..... does it make me any worse of a person if i say "Hellz yea" or "dl" or "aw heyl naw", even if it's just in a mocking-funny way?

prompromprompromprom. Lisa asked Phuong about me and prom, and he said, "Hell yeah! She's in one of my classes! She's ok! Hook me up!" So I laughed my head off and squealed, "Well, that's nice and all, but can't you find me anything a little hotter?" Oh I visited this prom site the other day, though. ANd it had stories of all these girl's proms and how they got asked, and all kinds of lovely romantic interludes. I'm kind of scared of proms because of the sex expectation, but oh. Deep inside I'm hoping and praying that Greg will surprise me and ask me out to prom after all, that he'll decode that message and he'll do some wonderfully romantic at the last minute and I'll all but collapse into his arms and...

And that's why I'm afraid of getting a date but I'm pretty sure it will never happen.

Greg dressed different today. Or.. he dressed the same. Ok, here: You know how he's been leaving his glasses off and wearing baseball shirts? He changed. He wore his checkered shirt and his glasses and I got very afraid that he didn't like me or something but no, it's the same old Greg. The way he looked at me when he talked about Trung creeped me out, because me and Tiffany were talking about prom, and he asked me if "the brown guy" was still going with me. It was just creepy how he didn't look down or anything. He just held my gaze, and I was the one who had to break it. Anyway on the way to my locker, we talked and I said, "You know, the Forever 21 clothing company should be boycotted because it has a bunch of evil sweatshops in LA and it takes koreans and mexicans and pays them 2 dollars and hour, and it's terrible." "Uh....Okaaaay...." "And SPEAKING of Forever 21, Isabel must have been pretty stupid to fall for that, because Oanh doesn't type like that." "ohhh.." "And she's pretty nice too." "Oh... heh..heh.. you talked to her?" "Yyep." "ooh." Awkward. "it must have been pretty tough to talk to somebody who doesn't exist." "Uh-huh." I said that I'd said things I probably shouldn't have to her and stuff.

then I told him about Indy's play and that I hadn't touched Becker. But then i remembered that Becker had touched me. And Greg got all mad and jealous and crap and said that, "The only time you're allowed to touch that retard is when you kick him in the balls." Haaaah.

Greg.....I still can't believe he put his arm around my waist! I totally forgot that, can you imagine, until I read my entry and it came back to me! Wow! And also the "I would miss you if you died." thing. Mm

Oh Meteora is a lovely album really. I really like it. The only problem is I have to listen to it a lot now because in 6months I'll hate it because of it being overplayed on every radio station in the country. I like Nobody's Listening best because it has the jungle beat. Mm.. also, i like the new single from Trapt and the one from Cold, but I can't find the Cold one anywhere.

Not having a car is killing me.

Can't think of anything else to say at the moment. If Greg doesn't sign on tonight, either, I will be devastated.

yesterday - tomorrow