
morning madness
2003-04-06 - 10:42 a.m.

Today's barely even started and it's already a bitch.

First of all, we had to set the clocks ahead an hour and that pissees me off.

Second, i found out I missed Greg last night by barely 10 minutes which makes me want to cry rivers. I did talk to him before he went to the play. For a little. he called me "my foo" and I talked to Daniel until late. He probably will punish me for not watching SNL. Oh well, it's probably for the better i did not speak to him, he needed the sleep.

Friday I decided that just because I do not have my dad as transportation is no reason why I can't have fun. Yesterday I went to the mall with Ben and I arranged to meet Emilie and her friend Daniel there today. I have yet to buy my mini skirt. Also I need nicer looking underwear. I won't buy it with Daniel around obviously but one of these days I should get a sexy bra or something. Seriously, I've got really nasty underwear. I laugh at Hyacinth's because she has these funny little training bras I used to wear in the 6th grade, and she's 14.

Shit. Em can't go. AAAgh

I feel kind of bad about it but I got a diary at Check it, it's under the name scotchtape. The layouts are better. But I have...what is the good english...I like here for the sentimental value. If only my template didn't look like shit!....

Diaryland's down a lot, too. Like right now: the search feature doesn't fucking work. I haven't watched The Wrap in AGES. I gotta go see when it's on. Scuzes me.

Holy shit. I have absolutely nothing to do again today. Fuuuuuuuck.

yesterday - tomorrow