
Up and Down I Go Again
2003-04-07 - 12:58 a.m.

God, why does he always have to be such a fucking loser. If he isn't right or if anyone says anything disagreeing with him he has to always get so fucking upset. First he'll go and launch one of his stupid fucking speeches and rattle on forever and ever and ever and then when you say one thing contrary to his point or something he'll shoot you down or just plain lose his temper and get all prissy and petty. What a dumbass. He never fails to send me on one hell of a roller coaster ride of emotion. I hate him, I love him, I despise him, I'm sad for him, I pity him I envy him I admire him I loathe him god god god.

I hate myself most of all. Really.... 1:41 AM Oh I have Spirited Away on DVD! You can borrow it, if you want. Who is Dorothy Parker? I've never heard of her...I guess I should look up her stuff. If my poem is like hers it must be pure coincidence..I don't even know.. thank you for complimenting my nice Greg-luvvin poem, though. Right now I'm in a Greg-hating mood though. We're having another spat. Don't worry about it, I'll be over it by tomorrow. yes yes Yes Emilie's party will be a blast. You'll get to meet Lisa. Em was excited too. She said "YAAAAAAY" or something. It'll be grand. grand. grand. Film Festival? There was one here and I really wanted to see it but I never got aroud to finding out how... One of my favorite poems is the one you kept in your book by Emily Dickinson: They might not need me; but they might. I'll let my head be juts in sight; A smile as small as mine might be precisely their necessity. It reminds me of you because it seems just like you. Oh, look. There's the closest thing he'll give to an apology to me. Supid asshole...IMing me...Okay... Greg hating time over. Oh my god kathy, I am REALLY sorry about what happened the last time you called me. I cared about what you were saying, really. I'm really sorry I wasn't really paying attention, it was just Greg IMed me for the first time and was duking me out as this asian girl and I really wanted to find out what was going on. So i was occupied. Please feel free to call again, whenever... I promise this time I'll turn my full attention to you and put him on the back burner if I happen to be talking to you. I feel really really, really, really guilty about it and I promise to never ever let it happen again. Please forgive me, I'm sorry.....

yesterday - tomorrow