
Things are good...mostly*
2003-06-18 - 10:05 p.m.


Yesterday was great. Greg came over and I fed him garlic pizza, so he was gross to make out with, so we went out instead. We went to play at his place and he took me to Jamba juice. It was great. We took the mustang and he blasted his musicals and Newsies CD and we sang loudly to it...

"Open the gates and seize the day...don't be afraid and don't delay!..."

Heh heh it was kickass. People stared. And OH MY GOD... I forgot to put my bra back on before we went out so I had to keep my arms crossed. I put it back on as soon as we got back to his place. That night he made me Mexican pizza and I stayed over again. I laughed because he switched off the light and ran right into me while I was looking for a snack and it nearly scared the bejeezus outta him. He was breathing so hard and freaking out and I thought it was too funny.


It was so perfect. We made tea together and we stood around and held each other...I signed his yearbook. Not well I'm afraid. I didn't know what to write. What do you write to someone you see every day? We sat in the dark. And then we went to sleep. Oh...yeah....

Um I tasted his Chicago dog. And learned the art of jacking a guy off...well. Uhhhhhh...and...cum froths. Hah I hope his brother suspected nothing...I went over to him and was like..." this toothbrush clean?"

I will not do it often. It's grosser than I thought.

***************OK>>it's safe to read now

We went grocery shopping in the morning, helped him pack etc etc. Got him McDonald's. GOt him ready for Disneyland. Then I told him to drop me off at Brandon's and I called the Roos to confirm. He's insanely jealous of Brandon. Almost as jealous, maybe, as I am of Oanh or Misty. So while I was on the phone, he constantly shouted, "Come on, Stephanie! I've got the condom ready!" and "watch out, Brandon!" and so on and so forth. He even went so far as to go, "Oh my god! My ass is bleeding! What have you done to it!" and I shouted, "Shut up! I'm a chick! I don't have a penis, it wasn't me!" Brandon was cracking up on the other line. I thought it was so silly that Greg was doing that. He didn't have anything to worry about.

Did he?

Brandon....I thought he got over me. I assumed he hadn't gotten over any other girl he was with except me. I was wrong.

I should have gotten the hint at Derek's show. I was kind of *eh* about it,I didn't think twice. But I went with him and during it, Ricardo came up and said, "Hi, Brandon! Hey, Stephanie! It's nice to see you guys again! So uh.. are you guys together, now?" We both violently protested but Brandon told me later that a lot of people thought that we were together and hge'd heard I liked him and stuff. I squinted. "REally? Really? Where did you hear that? That's weird." Ugh. It was a terribly awkward moment for the both of us.

Today we were looking through the yearbook and I was pointing to chicks, going "is she hot? her? her? her?" and he was giving me his opinions. "No..yes...kind of... oh, really hot." I pointed to me. "She's really hot, right?" "oh yeah."

And then.. well... like...I was pulling out my thong and telling him how much of a pain in the ass, literally, it was. And I forgot.. he totally adores thongs. and he put his head in his hands and told me to shut up about it. And I asked, "What? Cuz I'm wearing a thong?"
"Shut up.. oh god..."
"What, like, cuz I never wear one?"
"moaaaaan..please stop."
"It's just me... in a thong... ohhhhh."

Yeah. Me in a thong. He's still not over me! The unsaid was too obvious and it hung in the air. It's terrible to put it into writing, but trust me on this one, I can read that boy like a book and I know what I saw. He was trying to stifle it. I got up and walked around a little, feeling weird, and said, "Heh...yeah, I should mess with your head." "No..don't." "Okay." and I changed the subject. A little bit later, he goes, "You...are wearing a thong." I said, "God, you're the one who didn't want me to bring it up. Imagine me in granny panties." and he said, "EW! Okay... okay."

Then, later, well. He's been telling me about this halfie that he met at a party which he's really interested in. So he's talking to her on AIM and he says, "yeah, my friend Stephanie FOo is here." and she goes, "OMG! You didn't tell me I knew her!!!" and I freaked out and I said, "OH MY GOD! WHO IS SHE! WHO IS SHE!!!!! YOU SAID I DIDN'T KNOW HER!" and he said, "I thought you didn't!!!!!......RACHEL WANG!!!!" and I squealed and got up and started typing to her "Hey gf wussup!" and he was fucking breaking down and going "Oh my god..I can't believe this.. I can't fucking beleive this" making a huge deal out of it, and saying how awkward it was. Obviously "my ex girl/crush meeint my curent crush, and they know each other and they're friends? AIE!" and I was just...

"god, Brandon.. i don't like you anymore. It's not a big deal."

I didn't say that. But...

But before that! It's such a shame! He's a great friend. We regained that thing where I talk and talk and talk to him for hours about everything and we don't get bored. Music, mostly. He's the closest in music to me than anyone else, besides Kathy.

Oh, man.

yesterday - tomorrow