
time-travel- go-back-and-be-haunted-by-my-past day.
2003-06-23 - 8:10 p.m.

Does iknowthisguyhisnameisbob@hotmail still work? That was the kickassiest email address

Have you seen my diaryland diary??? It's pretty!!!!

I'm making this colorful for old times' sake.

wowzers anyway I was kind of mad because the other day Misty went to Greg's. I was kind of "eh" about the whole thing because she's still nuts over him and writes

"ooooo I still love you Greg..... if your girl ever hurts you... I am here if you need someone to turn to"

die pig.

Anyway yeah, she was supposed to go over because she needed help with saxophone but when she got there she refused to play. And Greg just let there and she stayed til who knows when, when I called at 11:30 she was still there and she'd gotten there at 7. And I was so mad. I was thinking, "OOOOH! She's trying to steal him! Doesn't he see? He's trying to steal my guy!" And to top it all off.....she read all his yearbook signings...including MINE. OH NO! That entry was Very..... and I mean very personal. Soon the whole school will know.... she'll yap her fucking trap off and soon the whole school will be talking about how I'm such a fucking slut.

And Lisa told me... very smart... she told me "well the whole school know that she already is one!" Ha! Clever

My HOUSE HAS BEEN INVADED BY FLIES!!! AGAIN!!!! God it's horrible. Me and mydad spent a big chunk of my day today trying to kill the motherfuckers.


Today is my ONE YEAR MOVING ANNIVERSARY. It's very very sad. It's like the anniversary of a death. I walked back to my place and I hugged and kissed my palm tree. He's gotten SO TALL! I love him. I went to Brandon's first and he showed up at the door drinking something and reading a book and just looked at me, and I said, "Hurry up, we're going out." and he looked at me, and asked, "where?" just like I knew he would, and I said, "Berry picking." "Where?" "Berry picking! Get me a soda and hurry." And I closed the door in his face and scurried off. He came out a little later with some brisk and we set off. We stopped at Juan's, where Calvin, Tony, and Lorri were hanging out, and picked up my jacket. then we went on over to my place. It was a sad walk... it was the first time I'd walked home in so long. I met the humping bugs, and I sighed and was about to go over. I was so in love.... and I was saying, "It's my one year moving anniversary and I'm going to take advantage of it!" and I was about to go up but then... I realized that someone was doing yardwork right there. I scurried off. Sigh.... tonight I think I'll get Greg to take me berry pickin'. It'll be fun.

We went to the park instead and I sat on my haiku rock. The one that I love love loved to sit on at 3 in the morning and look at the stars on. And I sat there and just breathed the fresh air, and felt the warm sun on my face and the cool breeze and looked at the blue sky and the birds and the trees and good lord, my brown hills and I felt perfect and content. It's just as marvelous as I remembered it. I could have sat there forever, but Brandon started to look bored so I said, "GOd, I miss the suburbs" and got up to go. He followed. We went back to his house and played games and listened to and talked about music and I ate dinner with his parents... steamed veggies, garlic bread and steak, mmmmm! And his dad is really funny and nice.

I also wrote my mom! yippee..

Just give me my fucking jewlry back. It's not yours, it's mine. They were given to me and you have no right to them. In fact, the jewelry that was given to you from my father's side of the family wasn't even given to you because they cared about you; they never did. So why don't you just hand it back so they're safe when your rich husband gets sick of you and you wind up having to sell everything else at the pawn shop?

yeah! Go me!

So yeah. Today was big time-travel- go-back-and-be-haunted-by-my-past day. I miss it, but this is the life I have now, so.... sigh.

yesterday - tomorrow