
Tennis sucks ass
2003-07-19 - 6:43 a.m.

Dustin's mom also became a realtor after the dot-com death, and she's doing great. It's because she has charisma and she's pretty. I am very worried that your mom cannot support you but I think everything will turn out well eventually. Maybe if she did marry a rich guy and divorce him promptly afterwards, it would be totally bitchy but at least you'd have money for a new clothes spree. God knows my mom did it well. Oh and she went ahead and finalized the fact that she is not paying a dime for my college education. Good thing Chris is gone anyway.

I'm so looking forward to Fran's cooking. Mmmmm, it's so good! And now that you aren't deathly skinny I won't be ashamed to have second helpings.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Don't eat too much meat, or you'll become a meat head!

I've been hanging out with Justin Parucha and Norissa. They're ok. OH WOW I almost died at practice yesterday. First he keeps making me play doubles and I'm the worst at doubles. It's really shameful and it's really embarrassing because I was clearly the worst and I'm SUPPOSED to be the best. I felt like crying. So it was like 97* and I had just speed-walked from Safeway to Norissa's to school, and then we ran 2 laps around the track, I'd played a doubels match and we were hot and really tired. Then FUCKING kiss-ass Maggie goes and says "Oh Coach look I found 5 balls that didn't get picked up" and then he made us do 5 liners and 5 laps. I nearly passed out and everything hurt. Greg picked me up and I collapsed into his cold shower. He was so sweet. While I showered he rushed out and got me ice cream from 7-11! Isnt that nice??

Oh I've fallen in love with Bjork and Fiona Apple.

My SAT words are killing meh/.


It feels really good to be loved.

yesterday - tomorrow