
dead in suburbia with a conservative jew
2003-09-06 - 12:04 a.m.

Photo sounds like it would be so amazing. You're going to take the most amazing pictures and be such a well rounded artiste. What kind of retard girl has a nose job at 16, no matter how cool she is and how marvelous her clothes are? I wish somebody had cool clothes here. I wish somebody was actually original. It feels so dead. I feel dead. When I feel like I should wear something fruity to school I don't because Greg will say I look tacky and I'll feel bad, which is entirely a bad reason not to wear something. When I go to San Francisco all I get is inspiration and I'm just floating with so many ideas and I come back to lifeless suburbia and they all die again. Next time I should bring a notebook and color pencils so i can remind myself of all I want to do. And I will because no really important guy would ever stifle my creativity. If only I could find the time with my classes, homework, and tennis. It's hell. I literally have had no free time this week. I had Greg over for an hour or two Thursday, and that was all the time I could afford to relax. And I don't even have usap.

I can identify Gucci and Burberry now as well as last season's Prada. It's sort of pathetic. I mean it's not that bad but even yuppie Santana Row is no Japan. I remember looking at Chanel and Issey Miyake and Anna Sui and...good god. Versace. I can recognize Manolo Blahniks by his sketches now. I'll be Carrie from Sex in the City and I'll write for Vogue. I don't know... Vogue is too haute couture, snobby, Cosmopolitan is too trashy and Jane is okay but a little feministy. Feministy stuff is okay but it pisses me off a lot too. I'll make my own magazine again. But it's OK. I'll be a San Franciscan, or a New Yorker, so it'll be OK to be snobby. I'll goddamn deserve it and I'll treat myself to my very own Manolos from the Vogue sample room.

Journalism is harder than I thought it'd be and I was a much worse writer than I thought I was.

I did beat Maxine. She lost the first game against Silver Creek. I won. I'll send you the little section we got in the paper.

Are your friends still hanging out with you at school? Maybe you should try hanging with the really cool ones. With the orange hair and the Clash patches and the second-hand skirts that cost first-hand money. Why not anyway. If you hate Russian fat girls who talk about Buffy. Patricias are ok but Stephanies are better. Find a me.

I finished White Oleander. Good book. Could have had a better ending, but still good.

yesterday - tomorrow