
2003-12-23 - 2:04 p.m.

Foo Manchu Too: party this Saturday!

Foo Manchu Too: Sleep over!

My lucky stars x: hxdfkljhsdjkasd!!!

My lucky stars x: youll never guess who just asked me out

Foo Manchu Too: john

My lucky stars x: no

Foo Manchu Too: who

My lucky stars x: i wish

Foo Manchu Too: daniel

My lucky stars x: chris ortega!!!

Foo Manchu Too: OMG!!!!!

Foo Manchu Too: you LUCKY DAWG

My lucky stars x: asdaASDF I KNOW

Foo Manchu Too: AAAAAAAAAh

My lucky stars x: hehhehee

Foo Manchu Too: thassocool

Foo Manchu Too: i remember when we used to obsess over him

My lucky stars x: ahahah me too

Foo Manchu Too: when he asked me to dance i was like GOasifaoishaida

My lucky stars x: hahahha me too!!

Foo Manchu Too: and now he wants to be your boooooooyfriend

My lucky stars x: no he doesnt

My lucky stars x: no no nooo

My lucky stars x: thats not it

Foo Manchu Too: no?

My lucky stars x: he just asked me to out tonight

Foo Manchu Too: COO

My lucky stars x: yeah

My lucky stars x: hmm what should we do/?

Foo Manchu Too: for what?

My lucky stars x: tonight?

Foo Manchu Too: go out with him

Foo Manchu Too: wht else?

My lucky stars x: yeah but what should we do when we go out?

Foo Manchu Too: ummm, go to wendy's and a movie?

My lucky stars x: hmm

Foo Manchu Too: Go to the mall and play in the arcade and pool?

My lucky stars x: maybe we could go to christmas in the park!

Foo Manchu Too: OaahiHASOIHFAOIjdsoiajsd

Foo Manchu Too: GREAT IDEA

My lucky stars x: or do you think thats gay

Foo Manchu Too: noOOOOOOOOOO!

Foo Manchu Too: Ahahahahahahahaaaaaa chris ortega

Foo Manchu Too: this is too cool

My lucky stars x: hahahaahhahaha

My lucky stars x: OH MAN

Foo Manchu Too: HES SO HOT

Foo Manchu Too: you are luckyyy!

My lucky stars x: Foo Manchu Too: Ahahahahahahahaaaaaa chris ortega

My lucky stars x: this is so exciting being all girly with you right now

Foo Manchu Too: it is!!!

Foo Manchu Too: I tired to call you but your phone was busy earlier today

Foo Manchu Too: Like 3 times

My lucky stars x: yeah i know

My lucky stars x: the phone lines are all fucked up

My lucky stars x: sorry

Foo Manchu Too: bleh

Foo Manchu Too: iss ok

Foo Manchu Too: well ok ok! we'll talk about chris ortega in one miunute

Foo Manchu Too: first the party! You come!!! Please

My lucky stars x: maybe i was on the phone with chris ortega!!

My lucky stars x: hahhaha

Foo Manchu Too: Me and Kathy's birthday

My lucky stars x: ooo

My lucky stars x: you cool cool girls

My lucky stars x: ill see if i can

Foo Manchu Too: ya ya

My lucky stars x: is kathy going to be 16 or 17

Foo Manchu Too: oh you better! and sleep over

Foo Manchu Too: 16

My lucky stars x: ohhh

Foo Manchu Too: and then we can talk about chris ortega all night long

My lucky stars x: you younging

My lucky stars x: hahaha ooo

Foo Manchu Too: ::slobbers::

My lucky stars x: hahaha

My lucky stars x: he sounds really gay on the phone

My lucky stars x: its funny

Foo Manchu Too: does he really

My lucky stars x: yeah

Foo Manchu Too: What did he say what did he say

My lucky stars x: he sounds girly

My lucky stars x: he was like is lisa there?

My lucky stars x: and i said this is lisa

Foo Manchu Too: did he just call you and like all "ooo Lisa come with me on a horse to ride off into the sunset"

My lucky stars x: and then he said hi its chris

My lucky stars x: and i was liek HAAAYYY

My lucky stars x: hahahahhaa

Foo Manchu Too: ahaha

My lucky stars x: and then he asked me if i could hang out today

My lucky stars x: and i said yeah

My lucky stars x: and then he said he might be busy today but he could hang out at like 7:30

My lucky stars x: and thats pretty late

My lucky stars x: but whatever

Foo Manchu Too: Ohhhhhhhhhhh this is a BIG BIG step up from John! he's not bipolar and he's buff and he doesn't dye he hair

Foo Manchu Too: it's not that late

My lucky stars x: HAHAHAH THAT FUNNY

Foo Manchu Too: i go out at 7:30

My lucky stars x: because last time i saw chris, he had dyed black hair

Foo Manchu Too: oh nooooo!

Foo Manchu Too: siht.

My lucky stars x: hahahahha

My lucky stars x: its ok he still looked supa fiinee

Foo Manchu Too: ok...

Foo Manchu Too: but still it annoys me

My lucky stars x: yeah

Foo Manchu Too: that's cool

My lucky stars x: he said his friends at college dared him to or something

Foo Manchu Too: It's like when becker tried to ask me out but like 109281412 times coolre

My lucky stars x: he probably just did it himself

My lucky stars x: oooo

My lucky stars x: COLLEGE BOYS


Foo Manchu Too: Ohhh I want to be single

Foo Manchu Too: I want to eat college boys

My lucky stars x: hahaha im being so dumb,

My lucky stars x: hahahaha

My lucky stars x: eat em up

Foo Manchu Too: with ketchup

My lucky stars x: mmm i love ketchup

Foo Manchu Too: i like mustard better

My lucky stars x: noo i dont

My lucky stars x: WHAT SHOULD I WEAR!@?!@@q#r

My lucky stars x: hahahahaha

Foo Manchu Too: did you know mustard is the #1 condiment? followed by salsa

Foo Manchu Too: Ohh... wear a cute outfit

My lucky stars x: salsa is before katchup?

Foo Manchu Too: You were wearing a cute outfit the other day,m with the green and white layers

Foo Manchu Too: You always look cute! Whatever

Foo Manchu Too: Yeah it is

My lucky stars x: oooo thanks so do you

My lucky stars x: thats crazy, everyone loves ketchup

Foo Manchu Too: awww, not true but thanks

Foo Manchu Too: ketchup's ok. it's got rats.

Foo Manchu Too: hahahaha we sound like patty park now!!!

Foo Manchu Too: "you're so cute! And you're cute too! You're both so... you cute!!!"

My lucky stars x: hahahaha

My lucky stars x: i knoow

My lucky stars x: she always used to do that about me and jon'

My lucky stars x: it was funny

Foo Manchu Too: eh

My lucky stars x: yeah

Foo Manchu Too: she never did that with me and greg before, good thing too

My lucky stars x: well you want me to do it?

Foo Manchu Too: what what

Foo Manchu Too: go to xmas in the parK?

My lucky stars x: be all awwwe you and greg,...just so cute!! im your number one fannn1'"!!

Foo Manchu Too: haha how stupid

My lucky stars x: oh

My lucky stars x: nevermind then

Foo Manchu Too: Ok whatever. I don't think one single person thinks that we are stupid

Foo Manchu Too: *cute

Foo Manchu Too: I meant cute

My lucky stars x: i dooo

Foo Manchu Too: I just think it's stupid cuz it's fake

Foo Manchu Too: You do really??!

My lucky stars x: yeah

My lucky stars x: oh i have to get offfline

Foo Manchu Too: weird!

Foo Manchu Too: Ok.......TTYL


My lucky stars x signed off at 2:03:19 PM.

yesterday - tomorrow