
Generasian copulasian.
2004-02-01 - 3:30 p.m.

Shit. Well, what can you give up next year to take health? Oh, well you can still take it for half a semester isntead of that stupid writing class again.

Why do you want me to take it during summer school??? I don't even think we have a dumb class like that here. Use a condom, you can't get pregnant from swallowing jizz, you can get pregnant from precum. Yes, bleeding from your womb once a month is normal. Use a tampon.

OH seiously! I hate those lecturers at mormon churches, well the lady ones that think they know all. Like the ones that try to teach you how to get jobs or, like you said, to not be trendy and boys aren't everything. I can't believe she looked at you like that. Doesn't the craphead know you've had bangs for about forever? Remember when that other one looked at me when I had red dyed hair? And I got a job before any of those cunts. What's she doing working with a bunch of drooling kids at a church if she's so smart.

Mormon kids can be really cool like you or Bryce or Peter Jepsen or Bub, but god, mormon adults can be real shits. I can't wait til you all grow up and take their places. Oh but I guess some mormon kids can be mean, but only the really stuck up ones like the girl at the dance. She probably was crying because people said she looked frumpy and ugly and wouldn't dance with her. she was probably raving jealous of you. We should have told her off.

I totally remember Bruce!!! hahaha but I like your class president with the crazy name too.

I'm going to send you a care package soon complete with good song CD, scarf (the black and grey one this time!) and stuff I made. I'll send you a apir of legwarmers if you want! What color?? ...If you don't mind being trendy with the rest of your school. Iono. Nobody here wears em. I got stopped 3 times yesterday with people saying how cute they were and then at the japanese restaurant the lady thought I was japanese cuz of em and started prattling away at me in Konnichese.

HOHOHO. The next generasian. I've got to steal that. You can stick it on so many things! Copulasian, ejaculasian, masturbasian, mutasian.

yesterday - tomorrow