
2004-02-05 - 9:55 p.m.

Foo Manchu Too: let's talk about music!

The I clipsE: ok

Foo Manchu Too: Do you know South?

Foo Manchu Too: or Enon?

Foo Manchu Too: I also have fallen in love with Travis recently

The I clipsE: I know of Travis

The I clipsE: I haven't heard of the other two

Foo Manchu Too: South has the new single "Loosen Your Hold"

Foo Manchu Too: oh, and Nada Surf's "Inside of Love" also gets me stoked

The I clipsE: Have you heard of The Darkness?

Foo Manchu Too: oh fo sho!!!

Foo Manchu Too: I love em!

Foo Manchu Too: i really like the music video especially for "i believe in a thing called love"

The I clipsE: That video kinda freaks me out

The I clipsE: The music kicks ass, though

Foo Manchu Too: heh

Foo Manchu Too: My Commotion prediction was so right, huh? :-)

Foo Manchu Too: 70s music makes its triumphant return!

The I clipsE: Yup

Foo Manchu Too: Kathy is so much trendier than me for living in the OC so she knows all the little indy bands

Foo Manchu Too: *indie

The I clipsE: My brother got me some stuff from this concert at The Outhouse

The I clipsE: So I guess I'm tapping back into the local scene

Foo Manchu Too: cool

Foo Manchu Too: who?

The I clipsE: A few bands

The I clipsE: The Fiery Furnaces

The I clipsE: They are a little out there

The I clipsE: And then Shinobu

The I clipsE: I think they are local

The I clipsE: they are pretty good

Foo Manchu Too: Live105 is featuring all local bands this weekend

The I clipsE: Then he got me a compilation

Foo Manchu Too: tite

The I clipsE: I've been listening to the Smashing Pumpkins again

Foo Manchu Too: eh, I'm not too into them

Foo Manchu Too: Incubus is coming out with a new album in a couple weeks

The I clipsE: Yeah

Foo Manchu Too: Megalomaniac isn't one of their best in my opinion though...

Foo Manchu Too: so I'm sorta worried, but then again, I often tend to like the non-singles on their albums more than the singles

Foo Manchu Too: was that band on the cd I gave you for christmas good?

The I clipsE: Yeah, they were pretty good

The I clipsE: Real downtempo kinda stuff

Foo Manchu Too: cool, who were they?

The I clipsE: Mayday

Foo Manchu Too: do you know that song that goes "i hope I never have to knock on wood?"

The I clipsE: no

Foo Manchu Too: oh.

Foo Manchu Too: i think it's by mighty mighty bosstones

The I clipsE: I haven't been listening to a lot of upbeat stuff lately

The I clipsE: Just slow

The I clipsE: Folky

The I clipsE: Kinda stuff

Foo Manchu Too: me too

Foo Manchu Too: ive been kind of out of it

The I clipsE: You have seemed a bit different the last few days

Foo Manchu Too: iono

Foo Manchu Too: school's just seemed kind of just one big annoying burden

The I clipsE: ahh

The I clipsE: One of those kinds of things

Foo Manchu Too: it's like...I walk down the hall at break or lunch and here are all these people that I've known for 5 years and they all seem like strangers or something

Foo Manchu Too: It's sort of weird

Foo Manchu Too: And the black annoy me most of all! Just because it is your month does not mean you can dance and go "never ever never ever" in the middle of the hall so nobody can get through!

Foo Manchu Too: sheesh1

The I clipsE: Yeah

The I clipsE: That does kinda bug me how they just kinda stand there by the doors of the main hall

The I clipsE: at the end of break

Foo Manchu Too: silly

The I clipsE: And I guess I haven't really been helping out with my joking and such

Foo Manchu Too: huh?

The I clipsE: just like when you stop by

The I clipsE: Well, kinda like that one day

The I clipsE: Where I was just like "Do I know you?"

The I clipsE: and then went and got a soda

Foo Manchu Too: oh hah

Foo Manchu Too: no, it was really ok

The I clipsE: okay

Foo Manchu Too: well

Foo Manchu Too: how are you

The I clipsE: I'm doing pretty good

The I clipsE: I'm going to sleep a little later than I'd like

Foo Manchu Too: that's good

The I clipsE: And probably not doing as much hw as I should

The I clipsE: But those are the little things

Foo Manchu Too: homework schmomework

Foo Manchu Too: i never do it anyway

The I clipsE: I get to school at 7:10 every morning now

The I clipsE: And I always put things off until the morning

The I clipsE: I wish I wouldn't

The I clipsE: But I always do

Foo Manchu Too: wow

Foo Manchu Too: it's ok, work is meant for school, not for mulling around at home with

The I clipsE: Haha

The I clipsE: I guess

The I clipsE: Maybe it's just the deal with my mom

The I clipsE: I don't totally know

The I clipsE: It's like I can't totally focus any more

The I clipsE: Even if I couldn't even do it in the past

Foo Manchu Too: I feel you...but everything will come into place with time

Foo Manchu Too: You are lucky in the sense that you have so many kickass friends to be like "Woo! woo! Go Brandon!"

The I clipsE: Yup Yup!

Foo Manchu Too: woo! woo! Go brandon!

The I clipsE: *raising the roof*

Foo Manchu Too: hehe

Foo Manchu Too: well I don't know if this is a stupid thing to say right now and I don't know if it'll mean anything but I'm really sorry and she was the nicest friend's mom I personally knew, your mom was always super cool to me.

Foo Manchu Too: And I don't know exactly how you feel but I do know it sucks to lose a parent, and if you ever wanna talk, I'm here, and if you don't, I'm here too

The I clipsE: Okay

The I clipsE: Thanks :-)

The I clipsE: I mean at least you knew who she was

Foo Manchu Too: when i ate dinner at your place I wished I was your wife so I could have nice in-laws like that

Foo Manchu Too: greg's parents hate me :p

The I clipsE: Haha

The I clipsE: My parents really liked you

The I clipsE: I think they even thought we were going out for a while or something

The I clipsE: just because you came over

The I clipsE: And I never brought people over

Foo Manchu Too: heh common misconception

Foo Manchu Too: well cool beans! I like being liked by parents

The I clipsE: :-)

Foo Manchu Too: I don't like it when they're all 'who's that freaky girl you're hanging out wth? stop it. Bad influence.'

The I clipsE: haha

Foo Manchu Too: I have 'normal' hair now, though, so hopefully I'll look more conservative.

Foo Manchu Too: less threatening

The I clipsE: You do

Foo Manchu Too: hah!

Foo Manchu Too: well great! Soon they'll even be saying that I'm not crazy after all and I am not a slut! I can't wait!

Foo Manchu Too: dude, I'm obsessed with the quality of my food now.

Foo Manchu Too: They're saying that fruits and veggies are unsafe and diseased, beef is diseased, chickens have the flu in asia and fish are poisoned with mercury. What's left to eat? Nuts and potato chips?

Foo Manchu Too: Next thing you know Im going to be a hippie taking all veg-no gluten bars

The I clipsE: I don't really care about what I eat

The I clipsE: The whole mad cow thing was caused by like a tiny shipment of beef

The I clipsE: From Canada

The I clipsE: that they now have cut off

The I clipsE: The Asia flu thing

The I clipsE: can't answer

The I clipsE: the fish and mercury

The I clipsE: don't eat fish

The I clipsE: and veggies?

The I clipsE: Well, I'll still eat them

Foo Manchu Too: I guess, but with physio clogging up my brain I'm always so paranoid nowadays

Foo Manchu Too: have you checked out akash's clothing brand?

The I clipsE: Action Cash Pimp Stash?

Foo Manchu Too: yea

Foo Manchu Too: it's so weird, like I'll go into the girl's album and there are all these posts like "Wow! I've got a huge boner now! my cokc is like C======= that big!!!"

Foo Manchu Too: that's sort of homoerotic if you ask me

The I clipsE: haha

The I clipsE: That is pretty gay

Foo Manchu Too: you guys are so weird

The I clipsE signed off at 11:01:41 PM.

The I clipsE signed on at 8:46:23 PM.

The I clipsE signed off at 8:46:33 PM.

The I clipsE signed on at 9:05:48 PM.

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