
High Fucking Hopes.
2004-02-08 - 8:59 p.m.

I just love setting myself up for dissapointment.

I guess Valentine's day is pretty fucking stupid.

XxJustPlayxX: hi!

Foo Manchu Too: hello!

Foo Manchu Too: today we passed long's and i looked longingly at it but i couldn't peek.

XxJustPlayxX: hehe loningly at longs...clever

XxJustPlayxX: *longingly

Foo Manchu Too: thank you

Foo Manchu Too: so how are you?

XxJustPlayxX: good. a bit tired. Work 10-7 , got up at 6AM for a store meeting

Foo Manchu Too: oh.. yipe

Foo Manchu Too: you are a workaholic

XxJustPlayxX: Store meeting was madatory

Foo Manchu Too: even so

Foo Manchu Too: Your absence has caused a head invasion

Foo Manchu Too: I keep dreaming about you every night

Foo Manchu Too: and--omigod!--you know what else I dreamed about??? I woke up this morning so depressed

Foo Manchu Too: Guess

XxJustPlayxX: um..Low SAt scores?

Foo Manchu Too: no, they were 10 points higher

Foo Manchu Too: guess again!

XxJustPlayxX: Mr. wong's son?

Foo Manchu Too: no, that wouldnt have made me depressed

XxJustPlayxX: Um....

XxJustPlayxX: Was I in the depressing one?

Foo Manchu Too: I dreamt about ice cream again, but I never get it!!!! Never!

XxJustPlayxX: oh haha

Foo Manchu Too: I stand there in line and I never get it handed to me

Foo Manchu Too: You were with me though, so it wasn't so bad

XxJustPlayxX: But youd still feel bad if you did get it in your dream, then woke up, and realized tha you didnt really get the ice cream

Foo Manchu Too: um... considerably less bad

XxJustPlayxX: wht did you do today?

Foo Manchu Too: I wrote my report, I went to a friend's to study math, and I bought a lot of comics.

XxJustPlayxX: good good

Foo Manchu Too: i guess

Foo Manchu Too: are you going to be working late next saturday?

XxJustPlayxX: Ill be busy

Foo Manchu Too: what's that mean?

XxJustPlayxX: I have plans Saturday night

Foo Manchu Too: oh.

Foo Manchu Too: why are you being so evasive?

XxJustPlayxX: Im not

XxJustPlayxX: Whats up?

Foo Manchu Too: why don't you just tell me what you're doing then?

XxJustPlayxX: oh, some hw/ putting together a cd

Foo Manchu Too: no what your "plans" are

XxJustPlayxX: Oh, Im busy this weekened with Joel. think Im going to SC

XxJustPlayxX: SC Prolly Moday night

Foo Manchu Too: um, ok

XxJustPlayxX: Friday night we are having a getogether

Foo Manchu Too: oh, Friday too

XxJustPlayxX: Saturday night is SNL

XxJustPlayxX: Sunday night, leave for SC maybe

XxJustPlayxX: or actaully

Foo Manchu Too: well have fun.

XxJustPlayxX: maybe Monday night leave for SC

Foo Manchu Too: all right, 16 years strong

XxJustPlayxX: haha, dont worry, I still like you babe

Foo Manchu Too: oh, great.

XxJustPlayxX: 16 years strong what?

Foo Manchu Too: crappy Valentine's days

XxJustPlayxX: If i dont work, we can hang out until like 11

XxJustPlayxX: Valentine's day is a big deal?

Foo Manchu Too: i guess not to you

Foo Manchu Too: I'm supposed to go to the city and tour my aunt around during the day but I made my dad promise to take me home early

XxJustPlayxX: I dont know, Ive never thought much of it, but Ive never had a girlfriend during it

XxJustPlayxX: Yikes

XxJustPlayxX: Im not a very good boyfriend

XxJustPlayxX: Ill make time for during the week off, promise

Foo Manchu Too: k

Foo Manchu Too: makes me feel kind of dumb working on your present that much

XxJustPlayxX: What time are you getting back Saturday?

Foo Manchu Too: i dunno, like 7 maybe

XxJustPlayxX: If Im not working, I can see ou then

Foo Manchu Too: ok

Foo Manchu Too: let me know early whether you are or not so I can plan

XxJustPlayxX: Ill know by...>Wednesday eariliest, Friday latest

Foo Manchu Too: umm, allright

Foo Manchu Too: and get my tennis racket back.

XxJustPlayxX: ok

Foo Manchu Too: thanks.

WHY??? Why why why? I mean I just want one good Valentine's day. Man. THis sucks.

yesterday - tomorrow