
neomu menu
2004-02-21 - 9:30 a.m.

neomu menu: hey you foomanchu

foo manchu t o o: hiiiiiiiiiiy!

foo manchu t o o: where's beastie?

neomu menu: hey!!

foo manchu t o o: sleeping?

neomu menu: asleep

neomu menu: yea

foo manchu t o o: muaahaha

neomu menu: yessss!

foo manchu t o o: you used a fake picture! you pussy

neomu menu: i dont have any of me

foo manchu t o o: i added friends now though so ooo. we're connected

neomu menu: i'll take some tomorow

neomu menu: super

neomu menu: moe's my friend now too

foo manchu t o o: you can use that one of you showing off your boobs in the dressing room

foo manchu t o o: oh, cool

foo manchu t o o: yes

neomu menu: oh, no it's too big

foo manchu t o o: it will shrink

neomu menu: i already tried though, and they said too bad

foo manchu t o o: aw

foo manchu t o o: resize it in paint!

neomu menu: ok

foo manchu t o o: then also guys who see it will go "wow boobs"

foo manchu t o o: who is that shireen?

neomu menu: no. i dont know who she is. i just thought she was pretty

foo manchu t o o: neat

foo manchu t o o: apes tomorrow!

foo manchu t o o: wooooOw

neomu menu: oh yeah!

neomu menu: did you get the money?

foo manchu t o o: I got your money! do you want me to use it ALL?

neomu menu: if you need to.

foo manchu t o o: ?

foo manchu t o o: ok

foo manchu t o o: do you want a little scrowlie shirt if they have them?

neomu menu: just get me cool stuff

neomu menu: oh yeah!

foo manchu t o o: all right

neomu menu: that would be the best

foo manchu t o o: hopefully they have girl sizes

foo manchu t o o: emilie never called me back so i dont even know if im taking her. gr!

neomu menu: mabye it will be like last time and she'll just show up

foo manchu t o o: yeah maybe

neomu menu: so it's going to be pretty awesome this year huh

foo manchu t o o: i guess

foo manchu t o o: how am i going to send you stuff?

foo manchu t o o: I gotta send you your care package

neomu menu: just keep it till april

foo manchu t o o: ok

neomu menu: you didnt send me a letter this week!

neomu menu: oh well i didnt either

neomu menu: monday

foo manchu t o o: im sorry

foo manchu t o o: i was worried cuz you told me to only send twice a month

neomu menu: its ok

neomu menu: oh yeah

neomu menu: well, right now i'm getting a lot of college stuff, so if you sent somehting i think it would just blend in if you disgised it

foo manchu t o o: oh hey, you don't have to put stencils anymore for your pac man!

foo manchu t o o: they sell stick on pac man shapes for your walls

neomu menu: oh neat!

neomu menu: but how much do they cost?

foo manchu t o o: only about 20 dollars for a pack

neomu menu: is it online somewhere?

foo manchu t o o: yeah, let me get my Jane

foo manchu t o o: here it is:

neomu menu: blik is expensive

foo manchu t o o: they hvae all sorts of different types

foo manchu t o o: oh

foo manchu t o o: actually it says 35 to 50 bucks for 16

neomu menu: but isnt that a lot?

neomu menu: mabye not..

foo manchu t o o: oh...alien invader is 45

foo manchu t o o: if your dad is willing to spring for it, i guess its ok

foo manchu t o o: that way you don't have to commit though, and you can peel it off when you want

neomu menu: alright

neomu menu: oh that's good

foo manchu t o o: yes...

neomu menu: how am I connected to a whole bunch of asians?

foo manchu t o o: that's unfortunate.

neomu menu: arent you

neomu menu: ?

foo manchu t o o: i didn't even check really because it was taking so long to load

foo manchu t o o: i got fed up

neomu menu: yeah that too

foo manchu t o o: sigh...

foo manchu t o o: there really isn't any easy way to get the boys

neomu menu: what do you mean?

foo manchu t o o: maybe we really should resort to hot or not. At least ugly 7.0 Norissa even gets a lot of replies from boys

neomu menu: how's liamshy doing

foo manchu t o o: i don't know. i havent emailed him since.

foo manchu t o o: do you want to?

neomu menu: mabye?

neomu menu: i mean how's our bub doing on hot or not?

foo manchu t o o: oh

foo manchu t o o: crap, do you remember our username?

neomu menu: liamshy! or something like that. I think.

foo manchu t o o: oh, ok

foo manchu t o o: he's gotta 7

foo manchu t o o:

neomu menu: is that good?

foo manchu t o o: eh.

foo manchu t o o: it isn't a very good picture of him.

neomu menu: oh too bad

neomu menu: yes. i agree

neomu menu: haha

foo manchu t o o: i saw bub at age 11

foo manchu t o o: I have a videotape

foo manchu t o o: he is so cute!!!!

neomu menu: i thought he would be!

foo manchu t o o: i want to eat him up

neomu menu: hey, i bet i saw him at church at 11 or 12

foo manchu t o o: maybe if I still have the tape you can see

neomu menu: i'm going to bring tapes

foo manchu t o o: i stole it from gregs house by stuffing it into my poofy jacket

neomu menu: hopefully i'll get the skiating one

neomu menu: haha

foo manchu t o o: yess cool

neomu menu: and i have my chinese project!

foo manchu t o o: ahahahaha that i have to see

neomu menu: it's so stupid but very funny

foo manchu t o o: did you ever see my retarded malaysia video?

neomu menu: i couldnt stop laughing

neomu menu: no

neomu menu: is it funny?

foo manchu t o o: not on purpose, but I fuck up a lot

neomu menu: haha ok

foo manchu t o o: i can't wait to see yours

foo manchu t o o: and my aunt brought me two new japanese mags!

neomu menu: what kind of stuff does it have?

foo manchu t o o: just fashion and how-to

neomu menu: nice

foo manchu t o o: japanese fashion mags are better than american ones because they take a few items of clothing and show how you can rotate them around with stuff you probably have in your closet so you get different looks all week long

neomu menu: yeah, and even if it's expensive, there's bound to be stuff just like it elsewhere.

foo manchu t o o: forever 21 seems like it has everything

neomu menu: shireen told me that they have this really cute green and white polka dot tshirt

foo manchu t o o: are you wearing your blue skirt?

foo manchu t o o: are you rocking it?

neomu menu: not really..

foo manchu t o o: tsk

foo manchu t o o: rock it babeh!

neomu menu: but i am rocking, my glasses?

neomu menu: i look good in them!

foo manchu t o o: Oh cool beans

foo manchu t o o: the ones I saw last time or newer ones?

neomu menu: last time

foo manchu t o o: yeah, i like those a lot

neomu menu: i still want emo ones though

foo manchu t o o: i think me and greg are going to sadies, as spiderman. I think Ill wear a tutu over my spiderman costume or something so it's like...spiderwoman.

neomu menu: did you find yours?

foo manchu t o o: yeah! i did

neomu menu: oh man youre going to be supercool

foo manchu t o o: photo in yearbook! yesss

foo manchu t o o: do you want one page or two page spread in next years yearbook?

neomu menu: well, mabye we can have one page to ourselves, and then the adjacent page with all our friends and stuff.

foo manchu t o o: ok

neomu menu: it's ok with you?

foo manchu t o o: yea

neomu menu: alright

foo manchu t o o: japanese are sneaky

neomu menu: there's one in my photo class who's really dorky i think

foo manchu t o o: they think you won't notice that the girl they just so happened to catch on the street in those kickass clothes was totally random and then you take a closer look and she's a model you saw in another magazine

neomu menu: very sneaky

foo manchu t o o: i'm [utting out one last commotion

foo manchu t o o: september next year

foo manchu t o o: for my personal statwement

neomu menu: that's really great

foo manchu t o o: so, over the summer you gotta help me really!

neomu menu: oh ok

neomu menu: what kind of stuff do you want in it this time?

foo manchu t o o: less being pissed off stuff

foo manchu t o o: more interesting things with articles that show both sides of the story

foo manchu t o o: instead of just 'rant rant rave'

foo manchu t o o: the sexy people stay

foo manchu t o o: that's always such a big hit

neomu menu: yay to sexy

foo manchu t o o: and should we keep the token hot chick?

neomu menu: yeah why not

foo manchu t o o: ok

foo manchu t o o: also I'm starting Ibtc NEXT WEEK

foo manchu t o o: if nothing gets in my way

neomu menu: oh wow!@

neomu menu: nothing will be in the way for ibtc

foo manchu t o o: last week the international fair was :p

neomu menu: did it suck?

foo manchu t o o: i didn't even bother going to school thta day

neomu menu: how was the french dance

neomu menu: oh

foo manchu t o o: i saw the dances though

foo manchu t o o: french dance was the same as every other damn year

neomu menu: any better?

foo manchu t o o: nope.

foo manchu t o o: I'm going to die! ive been sick for 3 weeks

neomu menu: drink orange juice!

neomu menu: eat medicine!

neomu menu: stay in bed

foo manchu t o o: i have eaten medicine for about a week

foo manchu t o o: antibiotics from the doctor

neomu menu: do you have a cold?

neomu menu: or the flu?

foo manchu t o o: cough

foo manchu t o o: a phlegmy one! gross

foo manchu t o o: there was blood earlier in the week, but no more

neomu menu: spit the stuff out

foo manchu t o o: yeah, it was green.

neomu menu: sucks

foo manchu t o o: do you not have school this week too?

neomu menu: no, we have school

foo manchu t o o: too bad!

neomu menu: our three day weekends just ended, and we wont have another vacation till spring break - 7 weeks! too long

foo manchu t o o: wow, i wonder why we have a week off

foo manchu t o o: we get off early, too

foo manchu t o o: in the summer

neomu menu: that's good

foo manchu t o o: wait, ok, so your spring break is one wekk before ours right?

neomu menu: is it?

foo manchu t o o: either that or one week after. or it was last year anyway

neomu menu: oh ok

foo manchu t o o: do you still use those double eyelid things?

foo manchu t o o: these before and after things are so horrible

neomu menu: dont need to

neomu menu: oh yeah! theyre creepy

neomu menu: this one korean chick uses them to give her dubble eye lids, and she just looks freaky

foo manchu t o o: after their eyes look worse than before

foo manchu t o o: yeah... i think single lids are pretty too

neomu menu: yeah she looked better before too. and she wears lots of eye crap, but that doesnt help any

neomu menu: yeah they are on some people

foo manchu t o o: honestly i didn't even notice the change until you told me

neomu menu: darn

neomu menu: i notice it on other people though

foo manchu t o o: probably cuz you're so conscious about it

foo manchu t o o: like if i was very conscious about my moustache i would be checking out every other girl to see if she had a moustache too

neomu menu: yeah, that too

foo manchu t o o: and then people like jackie vu would make me feel better

neomu menu: i should stop

foo manchu t o o: eh, no big deal

foo manchu t o o: im so sad at incubus!!!!!!!!!!!!!

neomu menu: the attatchment didnt work

foo manchu t o o: oh.

foo manchu t o o: ok, here

foo manchu t o o wants to directly connect.

neomu menu is now directly connected.

foomanchutoo wants to send file C:Documents and SettingsOwnerMy Documentsincubus review.doc.

foo manchu t o o: oh ok

foo manchu t o o: nm then ill email it to you

neomu menu: oh opps

neomu menu: no i just cancled it by mistake

foomanchutoo wants to send file C:Documents and SettingsOwnerMy Documentsincubus review.doc.

neomu menu received C:Documents and SettingsOwnerMy Documentsincubus review.doc.

foo manchu t o o: my aunt said that she would help us make clothes

neomu menu: i love your aunt

foo manchu t o o: i'm going to buy a cheap sewing machine

foo manchu t o o: and I will learn to use it if it kills me

neomu menu: the hand held thing wont work at all?

foo manchu t o o: i can't figure it out.

neomu menu: heh oh well

foo manchu t o o: maybe i'm just an idiot, but it freaks me out that i'm going to sew my fingers together

neomu menu: the big ones might be good then

neomu menu: once you get the hang of it it's even fun

foo manchu t o o: and you can make awesome stationery

neomu menu: yeah that too

neomu menu: but you still love incubus right?

foo manchu t o o: yeah, i guess

foo manchu t o o: hopefully if they don't break up their next album will redeem them

neomu menu: that's good

foo manchu t o o: did you see megalomaniac?

foo manchu t o o: it's creepy

neomu menu: no i havent yet

neomu menu: what's it like

foo manchu t o o: weird random pictures, flying hitlers with ballerina toes and ballerinas chasing them, george bush getting mad at protettors and making his SWAT teams rush them, and then the band grows wings and flies out of their windows

neomu menu: ohok

neomu menu: sounds nice

foo manchu t o o: yeah

foo manchu t o o: brandon is still hot.

neomu menu: thank god

neomu menu: does mike still have a bush?

foo manchu t o o: it's very long.

foo manchu t o o: michael huynh's is too

foo manchu t o o: he was on the front page of the school newspaper

foo manchu t o o: sorry, he was on the front page of the Mercury News

neomu menu: oh my god why?

foo manchu t o o: um, it was a slow news day so they decided to do Ms. Abbott's biotech class

foo manchu t o o: they put Mike and some other losers on there

neomu menu: ah haha

foo manchu t o o: he was wearing a horrible beanie in it

foo manchu t o o: I hate beanies.

neomu menu: they never look good on asian i think

neomu menu: mostly

foo manchu t o o: yeah

foo manchu t o o: and metal ones don't make you look tough. they make you look dumb.

neomu menu: wow. metal beanies

foo manchu t o o: i mean, like, mudvayne

foo manchu t o o: hahaha ok....nevermind.

foo manchu t o o: i tried some godiva chocolate today and it is definitely not worth as much as it costs

neomu menu: did it taste wierd or just wasnt super?

foo manchu t o o: it just wasn't super

foo manchu t o o: If you really want fancy I say See's is better for cheaper

neomu menu: i want those chocolate oranges

foo manchu t o o: ohhhhh...... its been so long since ive had one of those

neomu menu: can you only buy those at christmastime?

foo manchu t o o: Hahaha, Krystie gave me a cheeseball for christmas

neomu menu: ha!

foo manchu t o o: no, i think you can get them anytime

foo manchu t o o: i saw them the other day

neomu menu: oh. i can never find them

foo manchu t o o: when you come we'll eat one whole one in a day

neomu menu: in a hour

foo manchu t o o: agreed

neomu menu: connan is on in 20 minutes

foo manchu t o o: wow

foo manchu t o o: ive never stayed up late enough to watch him

neomu menu: i hope he has something good tonight. it's friday

foo manchu t o o: i heard he got in big trouble for mocking canada

neomu menu: hahahaha

neomu menu: i saw that!

neomu menu: i think

neomu menu: but then everybody mocks canada

neomu menu: who cares

neomu menu: only the canadians

foo manchu t o o: yeah, they even blamed the NY blackout on canada

neomu menu: and their goose tape

foo manchu t o o: what did he say about them

neomu menu: i dont remember

neomu menu: I only remember the tower competition really well

neomu menu: i wrote to you about that right?

foo manchu t o o: ummm remind me

neomu menu: ok two guys dressed up in big tower costumes, and one was the nbc tower and there was some other one I dont remember. but they had a mud wrestling competition, nbc won; a race where the other tower was going to win but a canadian guy in one of those red suits with the big hat tripped it and the nbc tower won; and they had a limbo contest and the other tower won, but the nbc tower brought out a wooden chair and knocked out the other tower so the nbc tower won. it was really funny. i should have taped it

foo manchu t o o: no, you didn't tell does sound funny though

foo manchu t o o: was the well-disguised envelope the Flash Electronics one?

neomu menu: yeah

foo manchu t o o: Hey it's good that you get to escape your mom and go online at night but don't do what i did and stay awake half of the school year k

neomu menu: ha ok

foo manchu t o o: i read my 7th grade diary and its so sad

foo manchu t o o: and my 5th grade one

foo manchu t o o: my 5th grade one goes like : mommy dearest please don't smack me i

foo manchu t o o: 'm sorry

foo manchu t o o: it's so sad!

neomu menu: aww

foo manchu t o o: it's good that parents get very old

neomu menu: mine are all just i hate my sister or mike likes me kind of crap

foo manchu t o o: then it is time for revenge when we don't put them in a good foster home

neomu menu: whys that

neomu menu: i threatened my mom with that once and she got really mad

foo manchu t o o: hahaha

foo manchu t o o: they're scared

neomu menu: they should be!

neomu menu: she should

neomu menu: she doesnt have any kind of insurance i think

neomu menu: i'm not going grow old and depend on my kids

foo manchu t o o: no way

foo manchu t o o: i'm not even going to depend on my husband

neomu menu: i'll have money for when i'm 70

neomu menu: yeah!

foo manchu t o o: we'll save a lot of money by roomating

neomu menu: yes

foo manchu t o o: and when I turn 70 I'll dye my hair pink instead of black like regular old asian ladies. Greg says that they are the biggest hair dye cusomers in all of Longs

neomu menu: haha

neomu menu: a lot of asain girls who've bleached their hair are dying it back to black or putting purple in their orange hair. it's really bad

foo manchu t o o: oh, the O.C.

foo manchu t o o: crazy

neomu menu: have you seen the oc?

foo manchu t o o: no

neomu menu: good

foo manchu t o o: hah

foo manchu t o o: aghhh, i need to bleed

foo manchu t o o: i hate it when my period is late because then you never know when it will spring up on you

neomu menu: aiee..

neomu menu: i've been lucky

neomu menu: it's always in the morning before school or at night

foo manchu t o o: how are you guys always so regular?

neomu menu: and i know it's comming because by boobs get sore and my mom gets hers before mine

foo manchu t o o: jess told me her boob secrets

foo manchu t o o: it was hilarious

neomu menu: jessica?

neomu menu: she told me NOT to tell you

neomu menu: whatd she say

foo manchu t o o: about her nipples

foo manchu t o o: she told me not to tell you

neomu menu: hehehe

foo manchu t o o: but I'm sure you know

neomu menu: ok then i just wont tell her

neomu menu: oh she

neomu menu: s told me already

neomu menu: i dont know what shes doing

foo manchu t o o: i don't know, like she hsa no boobs but really pointy nipples

foo manchu t o o: weird

neomu menu: i think she's just obsessing over it because there isnt anything yet really

neomu menu: its as flat as it was when she was8

neomu menu: mabye pointier, but still flat

foo manchu t o o: well she'll take after you then

foo manchu t o o: a chinese old wive's tale is that soup works

foo manchu t o o: but chinese have small boobs, so it's probably wrong

neomu menu: yeah

foo manchu t o o: that's ok, she's ibtc queen

neomu menu: oh wow it's so late that carson daily is on

neomu menu: and martha stewert!

neomu menu: and the guy from scrubs

foo manchu t o o: martha is going to jail. yes or no?

neomu menu: i dont know

neomu menu: is she?

foo manchu t o o: i don't know

foo manchu t o o: i hope not

foo manchu t o o: she might be sort of nuts, but it just doesn't seem fair to put martha stewart in jail

neomu menu: i just saw a video of her when she had long hair. she looks better butch

neomu menu: yeah. shes's too good at spinning sugar

neomu menu: what's gary's last name?

neomu menu: i mean grady

foo manchu t o o: tong

foo manchu t o o: like soup

neomu menu: oh yeah

neomu menu: i'm forgetting all these names

foo manchu t o o: I'm here and I'm forgetting them

foo manchu t o o: the junior class is so stupid

foo manchu t o o: they still fuck up everything

neomu menu: you should rule them

foo manchu t o o: they were going to have a rock show to raise money but they were too unorganized and now they can't

foo manchu t o o: I really should

neomu menu: ahhh stupid dimwits

foo manchu t o o: yeah

foo manchu t o o: Oh my

foo manchu t o o: Patty just gets fatter and more annoying every year

foo manchu t o o: i constantly need to go pee now

neomu menu: youre drinking more fluids?

foo manchu t o o: no...

neomu menu: oh

foo manchu t o o: i also hate my period being late because i keep thinking I'm pregnant, like even if I haven't done anything I'll be like paranoid that I'd sat on a sperm sitting on a toilet seat.

foo manchu t o o: how stupid

neomu menu: must be kind of frightening

foo manchu t o o: it sucks being paranoid all the time!

foo manchu t o o: you like the song "popular" by nada surf? where the guy yella like "she'll respect you for being honest with him! Be beautiful!"

neomu menu: i havent heard it

foo manchu t o o: too ba

neomu menu: iit's good no

foo manchu t o o: yes

foo manchu t o o: ill put it on your cd

neomu menu: oh thanks

foo manchu t o o: if you were in a band, would you be happy or angry if KROQ started playing you like crazy?

neomu menu: i think i'd be ok, but not ecstatic.

foo manchu t o o: it would make it harder to be keepin' it real.

neomu menu: cuase if i'm in a band then i'd want more people to hear the stuff i guess, but then it's kroq

foo manchu t o o: i guess the only way to ensure anonymity is to suck

neomu menu: yeah it's too bad

foo manchu t o o: my aunt: "You will not die of pneumonia because thats not what you are having but will have if you do not dress appropriately for the season. "

foo manchu t o o: she tells me i wear too many miniskirts

neomu menu: do you wear tights with em

foo manchu t o o: no...

foo manchu t o o: i wore legwarmers

neomu menu: aw then it should be ok

foo manchu t o o: i want a white fedora

foo manchu t o o: they match everything

foo manchu t o o: the strawish kind

neomu menu: there's a guy who wears a top hat, but he'd look much sexier in a fedora

neomu menu: like what the japanese girls wear?

foo manchu t o o: yeah?

foo manchu t o o: my fedora doesn't match much.

neomu menu: wouldnt it go with those kind of checkered pants you have?

foo manchu t o o: oh hey

foo manchu t o o: that's a good idea

foo manchu t o o: smart!

neomu menu: oh sure!

foo manchu t o o: thanks

foo manchu t o o: i wonder if you can wear hats in school

neomu menu: pshh of course!

foo manchu t o o: if a teacher yells at me i'll cry and say it's only because my hair has been falling out because of the chemo

neomu menu: ha

foo manchu t o o: haha there's a triumph the insult comic game on

neomu menu: they dont allow hats at piedmont?

foo manchu t o o: i'm not sure, I think maybe they just don't allow doo-rags

neomu menu: i dont think they banned hats like alhambra did

foo manchu t o o: alhambra was pretty dumb

neomu menu: it was a dumb school with cool kids

foo manchu t o o: but LA is full of cool kids I guess

neomu menu: yeah

foo manchu t o o: i can't wait to get outta here

neomu menu: take me with you

foo manchu t o o: we'll run very far

neomu menu: hey! I have a place to go in utah if we want to see the sundance film festival!

foo manchu t o o: me and greg were "planning" to blow up our marquee, make a big money heist so we're freaking rich and then run to brazil. After we get settled there I'll send for you, but you must say that we cut off connections with each other so they won't suspect anything.

foo manchu t o o: Where in Utah? the flyer you showed me was cool

neomu menu: i'm not sure exactly where, but i've got connections now. actually, i guess I've got connections to everyone in utah since theyre almost all moromon

foo manchu t o o: haha all one big family

neomu menu: literally

neomu menu: hahanobut yeah

foo manchu t o o: does your mom know like everybody?

neomu menu: you look so cute in your tai koo ma visit pictures

neomu menu: nope

neomu menu: she's a loner sorta

foo manchu t o o: oh aw

foo manchu t o o: thank you!

foo manchu t o o: do you have pictures i can see?

neomu menu: oh crap. some guy from chruch called.. thrusday? to ask me to give a short talk about how to keep sunday holy

neomu menu: no.. none that are new

neomu menu: i'm going to do a shitty job so hopefully they'll never ask me again

foo manchu t o o: are you going to?

foo manchu t o o: Oh

neomu menu: i tried turning him down but he insisted

foo manchu t o o: Why you, are you a really good student?

neomu menu: no, they just have the youth give youth talks ever so often

neomu menu: it's crap i tell you

neomu menu: sabath holy.. just do everything saturday so you can sleep sunday!

foo manchu t o o: i have to do all my homework sundays because i put it off so long

neomu menu: i have no life so i do it friday afternoon

foo manchu t o o: you're just good

foo manchu t o o: i have no life either so I just play tetris for a while and then go to sleep

neomu menu: nah

foo manchu t o o: my heels are really awful

neomu menu: dry?

foo manchu t o o: if i wore stockings, I'd rip the heels because they're like scrachy rocks

neomu menu: mabye you should use that rock thing that you scrape your foot with

foo manchu t o o: oh, yeah i try

foo manchu t o o: it doesn't really work, because it's so thick

neomu menu: lotion wouldnt help any then i guess

foo manchu t o o: no....

neomu menu: bandaids so you dont rip the stockings?

foo manchu t o o: I showed my aunt the L'Occitane lotion (i hope its working for you) and she said Hmph! This is nothing compared to Singapore lotion which will keep you hands soft for days! It will even help your impossible feet! So maybe im gonna get some of that.

neomu menu: oh it's so nice the lotion thank you

foo manchu t o o: of course!

foo manchu t o o: im really mad at my dad because i don't know how to ship the lunchbox back and he won't DO it

foo manchu t o o: but if he doesn't then he'll just owe me the 14 dollars

foo manchu t o o: and I already got the p-mail to cover the rest. I wonder if I can send p-mail with just 2 stamps?

neomu menu: wont the post office help?

foo manchu t o o: You have to pack it yourself I think?

neomu menu: oh yeah that, but they'd bill you when you give it to them for sending right?

foo manchu t o o: um, i guess?

neomu menu: i'm not sure

neomu menu: but go see after school

foo manchu t o o: oh wow it's 2:30

neomu menu: yeah

foo manchu t o o: I'd best go to sleep now. Long day tomorrow

neomu menu: have fun at ape!

foo manchu t o o: I'll take a lot of pictures for you and buy you only the best! Wish you were here...

neomu menu: take picutres

neomu menu: aha thanks

foo manchu t o o: just wait until I pass! Just wait!

neomu menu: i wish i were there..

foo manchu t o o: guh

foo manchu t o o: I will pass the next time!

neomu menu: heyQ! i'll pass and every 3 day week end i'll drive up

foo manchu t o o: holy lord

neomu menu: it will be awesome

foo manchu t o o: it takes a whole day to drive

neomu menu: 7 hours!

foo manchu t o o: well, get started soon...

neomu menu: i'll be in the middle of no where durring rush hour too

neomu menu: ok

foo manchu t o o: agh no

foo manchu t o o: ok

foo manchu t o o: only 5 day or longer breaks

foo manchu t o o: goodnight!!

neomu menu: goodnight!

neomu menu: !!

foo manchu t o o: have sweet dreams

neomu menu direct connection is closed.

yesterday - tomorrow