
Senior Ball Right.
2004-05-23 - 10:14 p.m.

Awwwwwwww senior ball was really fun!!!!! I know prom usually isn't all you think it's going to be, but prom was really fun this time. I enjoyed it thoroughly: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I luv my Gregory!!!!!!!!!!! Gregory Gregory Gregory AWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

So okay, at the risk of sounding like a real bopper, I was seriously stressing before prom. I lazed around at home a bit and painted my nails and got ready, gave myself a peel, unclogged my pores, and etc etc. Then I went to the mall. I went to the Clinique counter and had Gina do my makeup, which was pretty good, I liked it, except for the cheeks which were kind of too bright. She did a good job with my undereye makeup. Anyhow, it showed up well on camera. I sort of tweaked myself right before leaving, and I think I did a good job of that, too. I didn't have too much money, so I just bought some lipstick for like 13.50. I dont have any lipstick, anyway, so I figured it might be a good investment. Then I went to the Sephora counter and this awesome gay guy fixed my cheeks and applied some cool nude lipstick on me. He was soooooooo gay. He had all this mascara on and he was going "Oh you're looking fabulous! Look at that!" after he was done ad I thanked him he said, "Anytime, baby!" OH geezus, I want a gay friend.

So then I looked for a clutch or purse and a necklace for like an hour and a half, which was really a stupid thing to do because in the end, I didn't buy a thing and settled for thenpurse and necklace I had at home (and was really glad about it later, too! I liked my purse.) Then I asked the cell phone booths for free other words, I wanted to use their phones. THey let me, and I tried to call Mai, who didn't EVER get home, so I was stressing out, because, hello! I needed my hair done by her! And then I called Greg cuz he hadn't been home all morning and he told me he'd pick me up at 5. 5??! 5, not 6! I only had like, an hour and a half!!!! Aiiieee and I had no-one to do my hair! So then I called Krystie to try to figure something out, but the CIngular girl needed to use the phone so I had to hang up before Krystie could give me directions to her house. So, I found out oh no! It's 4 so I ran to my car and (possibly) scratched another getting out...or bumped...but seeing as I saw no spectacular marks and there were no witnesses I hightailed it out of there and over to Mai's house...she wasn't I rushed home, got dressed, fixed my makeup a little, did my hair (it was just fine, actually...nice) and waited. I watched the So Called Life halloween special until Greg showed up...45 minutes late. But he said I was a wower and that I looked beautiful, and he looked pretty nice too. He just looked like Greg, I guess. And my Greg is always either handsome and nicely dressed or handsome and badly dressed. In this case he was handsome and nicely dressed so we got off. Some old guys (republicans, probably) in a car stared at us and we went to Kelsey's house. At first, we thought nobody would be home because we were so late but they were and we took pictures. Greg's mom said I looked beautiful and lectured her son on not getting me a corsage. Everybody really loved my dress. Kelsey de-frizzed her hair, which made her look like a whole different person. I had a tough time looking Carol straight in the eye cuz I found out she had just been in a car accident and she had some nasty scarring on her face as a result. Her face went through the glass. Ouch!

Anyway, then we left and I had a makeshift corsage. But it was pretty gross looking so we went to Greg's house and cut a rose and made a corsage out of that. Then we went to the Decathlon club. It was really beautiful and it was fun looking at everyone. Marissa and Norissa and Oanh were there, but I hardly even noticed them, I had such a great time. Besides, Oanh was sitting around being bored the whole time (this is why I am a better, more fun most wondewrful girlfriend...duh! Yes, yes, I don't think I need to be insecure anymore because I am soooooooo excellent, especially at dances) and Norissa and Marissa are sluts, so they hung out at the slutty floor. me and Greg hung out at the smaller, more asian and less humping floor, which was tons more fun and a bit less crowded. But before dancing, we had dinner. I didn't really like anybody at our table so I just talked to Greg. My chicken was OK but his beef was better. Instead of having Mai and Daniel to hang out with, we hung out with Shelley and Andrew, which was like 800% more fun anyway. If I published a book/memoir about the angsty teenage years I think it would suck and not be well-received cuz I don't have sex or do drugs or get piss ass drunk or anything. Right, anyway. Then we hung around, we looked at the BEAUTIFUL indoor creek. It reminded me of Malaysia. So gorgeous. It's really just like the one inside Embassy Suites. So Greg and I often were separated, but because he took off his glasses he couldn't see very far. Thus, i got to see what he looked lkke when I wandered away. To my delight, instead of shrugging, conversing, dancing etc etc he would get very worried and look quite frantically for me. It was very cute and I laughed at him when someone finally pointed which way I was. There were Shirley Temples and soda and water served, I had like 8. when the desserts came out, you should have seen how happy I was. Everyone around was luahging at how big my eyes were and how quickly I was hopping and how excited I was to get some tasty dessert. And the dessert trays!!!!!!!! OHHHH my goodness. Beeautiful...mounds upon mounds of cheesecake, chocolate mousse, chocolate cake, tiramisu, fruit tart, cookies, cream and pastry, and about 1000 gummi bears! Gawawawawawawawawawawawa delicious. AND CHOCOLATE COVERED STRAWBERRIES! I ate, but not as muhc as I could have because I was afraid of looking chubby and also we were anxious to go dance. It's ok. how many times can you dance at prom, right? You can eat cakes any time. Now that I look at pictures I think I looked nice. I regret not taking more pictures with my Greg. We were a pretty gorgeous couple. I can't stop looking at this one particular picture where he's kissing my cheek. AWwwwww! It's the absolute most adorable thing ever.

We danced, twirling and dipping and swirling like crazy people and other times jsut dancing all crazy like we do. I love dancing with Greg. With no other guy, I think, would I feel less obligated to get all slutty and grindy, and with no other guy could I dance so absolutely crazily and only get brownie points for it. About every two songs, I would go outside near the tennis courts and chill....literally. It was cold out and it felt really good to get cooled off, so I wouldn't really get too sweaty. Then we'd go back and dance more. Occasionally we would also go to the benches near the creek and sit by the water. It felt lovely. Romantic and sweet and beautiful. Greg said, "I think I'll keep you." (hooray, davis girlfriend!) and he said, "Of everything tongiht...the dancing, the dress, the food...the thing I like best is what's free: your kisses." Awwwww! Right? Totally aawwww material. and then we kissed nice and romantically and hugged and we took pictures. Then we danced some more...basically we just did that all evening, that back and forth across the room thing.

I talked to Madame and he talked to Mrs. Gianini and the other spanish teachers for a bit, and had nice conversation but soon Oanh came so I made a break for it. She left, though. Mrs. Kennett and Mr. Murphy were there and Greg told them we were together, if there ever was a doubt before. She asked, "So is she your date?" and he replied, "She's my girlfriend!" :D I like how he ensured that, even if he does know the circumstances of me and Steve's breakup I think he would have done it regardless. Mrs. Kennett said my dress was the most beautiful one there, and I wasn't the only girl in white! Mai and Amy were in white, too! I had nothing to worry about, as both are popular. There WERE some hideous dresses, I must say. She and Mr. Murphy were smiling at us a lot. I'm sure she adores us as a couple seeing as we're like, her favorite students ever. Greg likes PDAs a lot more than he used to. Mr. Wong came too and we were only too happy to have our pictures taken with him. oh, everybody loved my dress, even though eveyrbody kept tripping on it.

During the last dance, he held me tight and I just clutched on to him for dearlife and it felt so nice (if rather hot.) We gazed into each others' eyes lovingly for long periods of time...he looks so cute when he does that...and kissed nice soft, lovely kisses. It was like nobody else was there (except when someone bumped into us or something) and it just felt...nice. Just nice. I just felt loved. I don't know how to say it. It felt really right.

THen we got favors and left.

Afterwards, we went to the Sheraton and just chilled for a while with Shelley in the lobby. WE didn't even bother going in. I made Greg apologize to the ducks in the lake becaues he said his family once ran over a duck and its babies, and I thought it was the saddest thing in the world. So Greg said sorry to the ducks and I was happy. Also, Matt Stream was standing next to his car drinking whiskey and obviously being really drunk so we told him to wear his seatbelt. While we were in the lobby, the spectacular physics which had kept mydress up all night failed me and I flashed a nipple to Shelley and Greg for a couple seconds. I blew it off though, and hopefully it was forgotten quickly. I certainly was not about to let it ruin my night. We were going to go get ice cream but then Joanne Yao wanted to come with us and it was a big nono.

it was hilarious, because She said, "Joanne's wanting to come with us. It was her idea." and me and Greg both were not looking at each other because we were the same direction, but we both started mouthing, "Noo! No! No!" and she laughed and asked,"Why? You don't like her? Why not?" and we both mouthed, without looking, "Saggy boobs! Saggy boobs!" I am hanging around Greg way too much. We're going to become like...a married couple on Bridget Jones' diary.

We then left and I fell asleep in the car. Greg woke me up gently when we were in front of my house and he was playing some beautiful Beatles' song that was going something like, "I'll love you forever," in a sweet way, and he waited until it finished until we got out. I don't know if he did it on purpose but I hope so. He said wonderful things to me that night..mostly that I was the bestmost wonderful girl in the whole world many times. Then we went to sleep. Oh, boy were we pooped. Overall, it was a beautiful evening with a wonderful man who acted like as if I was his treasure and his best friend all night long. Sigh.

Today all plans were cancelled on me, and's just FRUSTRATING, you know? Having so many whatifs and stuff. Anyway, there was a lot of drama about showing up at work right when Greg left and some shit...GAh... it was a pain. Anyway, I cried in front of Greg for absolutely no reason and I felt really stupid about it afterwards. Well, anyway, I don't care, I'll apologize tomorrow and he just kissed away my tears.

yesterday - tomorrow