
Fucking asians.
2004-09-12 - 11:54 p.m.

It totally sucks to be asian!

It totally sucks to be anything but white, atually, but black is passable and Mexican is even okay. But asian is just too much!

It's not just the annoying comrades I have to share my race with, it's not just the height or the miniscule tits, it's not the lack of peripheral vision because of the dental-floss eyes.

It's the inability to travel!

I mean, how awesome would it be to be white, american and be able to blend in wherever you went? You could go to Texas, or Arkansas, slap on some LEvis, fuck up your hair and party hardy. If I went to Georgia, I'd probably be lynched.

Foreign countries, too...I was reading about how awesome France was for David Sedaris in Me Talk Pretty One Day (book count: 2 and counting! and it's only been 3 weeks of school) and I was thinking about how I can never, ever have that experience because it would be so hard for me to blend in and be taken seriously by the french.

Maggie Gyllenhaal reminds me of Audrey Tatou.

Or the Germans, or any other race, for that matter. Especially in the countryside. The people in the countryside are supposed to be so friendly and so real and so haha that's great, but how can it be any fun when you're asian? You're weird, you're scorned. Maybe I can pose as a retard, that will explain my deformed nose and eyes and hair.

GAH I hate my race.

Asian kids are so fucked up. I'll write more on this topic later, I am exTREMEly lazy.

yesterday - tomorrow