
2005-03-13 - 9:40 p.m.

WEll, last last night of course was the me and Greg blow=up at Comedy Sportz. I think it's true; Comedy Sportz is the source of a lot of my anger and tons of drama between Greg and me. I was absolutely psycho, but the good thing I got out of it was being able to talk to Matt and Daniel. In a sense I got a new friend and sort of revived an old one, which makes me happier. They encouraged me throughout the night about Greg and I felt better. The next morning he called me up and we fought nastily over the phone with approx. one hang up on his part, then he said he was breaking up with me and he came over. Of course the first thing we did was walk in silence apart from each other into my room and collapse in each other's arms.

I got all my sleeping pills out and had them in my hand in case things didn't work out well. He cited his excuse was: This relaitonship is doomed to end in a couple of years anyway so let's end it before both of us get hurt even more. He said he wanted to end it just so he wouldn't hurt me. I said some absolutely profound things to defend myself. Too bad I don't remember most of them. He said he didn't want a girlfriend; on the other hand he wanted to do all the same things he already does with me which doesn't make sense. He said that he was afraid of the future of the relationship and I said, "So who cares? Maybe we will break up in two years. Maybe we won't. Who's to say what's to happen? The only way to find out is to ride it out." and something like "We're having too much fun to stop," which surprisingly Greg burst into tears about sobbing about "I don't want to break up with you because you're too much fun. Oh I don't know, oh I don't know." then I said something like "Love is uncertain, love is scary and tumultuous. But that's what makes it so exciting. That's just it Greg, you can't be safe by ending it. Love isn't safe, ever.You can't end something because you're afraid that it's getting too good. In this relationship or any other one, "safe" or not, I might die tomorrow, you could die a week from now. That doesn't mean you end it because I could die tomorrow to spare yourself the pain."

Or something. And he was like "I cause you too much pain; I always make you cry." And I said something like "You make me cry not because you cause me pain but because you take it away. You cause me so much happiness that every time you are mad at me I cry because I'm afraid; I'm afraid that that happiness will go away." And also Greg was very afraid that I would hurt myself. Indeed at one desolate point where he was crying and saying "I will always love you i'm sorry but I have to do this" and I was very certain it was the end I turned my head and popped about 4 pills into my mouth and they were bitter and I didn't have any water to swallow them so I was kind of screwed so I frowned and was like "So you're breaking up with me for sure?" And then he was like "Wait, well..I don't know..I don't know," so I spit them out into my hand again.

Because I am the best girl he will ever get and he knows it. THere's nobody out there who will be better to him than me and he knows it.

and I said to him, "That's a dumb reason for breaking up with me. If you're going to break up wiht me you're going to have to find a better excuse than that." and also "I won't let you break up with me and if you do, you're going to feel like shit about it!"

and he was like "man you are hard to break up with"

This took like 2 hours and our eyes were all red and puffy at the end.

In the end we decided... "fuck this. Whenever we try to break up, it just doesn't work. We can't do it. This is too hard. Let's just stay together." So then we had a huge giggling fit, wrestled for an hour and then Greg said, "Let's go out and eat!" and I was like "Let's go to Red Lobster." and he said, "I want Italian," so we struggled and decided to go downtown. As soon as we arrived downtown Greg said, "We're going to fight." Argh, and so we did.

Greg absolutely does not know how to drive downtown at all, and I don't yell at him about it, I just laugh at his stupidity but he absolutely freaks out and starts screaming and pulling his hair out and getting confused out of his mind about which turns he can take, which is hilarious but aggravating cos he'll start yelling at me. So after we found a parking space I screamed out the window "yYAAAAAAAY we found a parking space!!" and he snapped one last time "Don't gloat!" and then we ended the fight and hugged. We ate at Chicago Pizza but I don't really like pizza so I ran like the wind to Chicken Coop, got dinner there and spread it out on Chicago Pizza plates and ate it. Our waitress was really nice about it so we gave her an extra dollar tip.

Then Greg went to Joel's and watched SNL. I went to his house at like 1 and we watched Napoleon Dynamite, laughed and laughed, went to sleep, ate a lot and giggled the next morning, then I took him to Davis. He showed me a kite that he and his friends got stuck in a tree and I suggested he knock it down with a 10-foot pole. He snorted at me, saying "Yeah, like I could just find 10-foot poles lying around." While walking through the football field, we came across some plastic ten foot poles so we put them together and screaming and grunting tried to knock the kite out of the tree, failed but it is a good strategem for future attempts with more strong guys (the poles were very heavy). All in all pretty funn weekend despite many tears. Me and Greg are pretty fucking insane.

yesterday - tomorrow